Episode 2

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Thomas is eating the dinner cooked by Kizuna AI in the latter's home.

"You know, you shocked me when you said you're a robot." Thomas told her, "All the robots I see are the metallic grey ones. You're a special one."

"Lots of people told me that when they see me." She replied, "Daddy told me he and his friend specially created my face, my body, and my clothes for me to look just like a normal girl."

"Do you know the reason why he wanted to make you a human-like robot? Or why he calls you his daughter?" She shook her head.

"What does your 'father' work as?" He continued asking, "A CEO? A businessman? A banker?"

"I...don't know that too." Kizuna replied, "Thomas-chan, let's talk about you, shall we? What are your favorite things to do?"

"Let me see..." Thomas scratched his chin, "I like to watch movies, play some basketball, and sleep."

"Sleeping's your hobby?" Kizuna let out a small laugh, "I don't think that's considered one."

"It is." Thomas joked, "What's yours, Ai-chan?"

"I love playing video games." Kizuna replied, "I like having conversations with people, so that I don't feel lonely. So, by having this conversation with you, I'm happy. Usually, it'd be with Daddy. Sometimes he would have to attend to urgent work, like today, and I'll feel lonely because I have no one to talk to."

"Don't you have any friends?"

"I'm home-schooled, so I don't know anyone else. Would you want to be my very first friend?"

"Uhh...sure." Thomas replied.

"Yay!" Kizuna jumped in joy and hugged Thomas.

"Ai-chan, you're squeezing me so hard you're about to crush me." Thomas said weakly, "You're a robot, not a human."

"Oh, I'm sorry." She stopped hugging him and sat back down on her seat.

"By the way, don't you eat, Ai-chan?" He asked her, "You don't eat food or something?"

"Thomas-chan, you're so adorable." She teased him, "Robots don't eat. You're a university student. Surely you should know about this?"

"Right." He knocked his head with his left fist, "I thought you were the real human daughter of Mr Jason."

Thomas quietly continued eating his dinner before she told him, "After this, I'll bring you up to my room."

HexagonCube Presents


ロボットの世界 (Robotto no Sekai)

Episode 2

In the police station, police officers are being called to gather in the meeting room. They sat down on chairs as they discussing about the reason they were being called for.

"Hey, what do you think we're called for?" One officer asked.

"Probably some protest group has made trouble again!" Another exclaimed, "They don't stop chanting and disrupting the peace, don't they?"

"What can we do?" The third one sighed, "The Master now is such a dense guy. Even if we're supposed to stop those protestors, I understand them perfectly fine. I mean, just listen to the rules. Any crime committed results in a death sentence."

"Have you heard of the case of Charlie Lee?" The fourth one questioned, "Just because he snatched the purse off a woman, and he was caught, he was awarded the death sentence."

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