Episode 5

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After interrogating Jacky, Eddie and Marcus went back to the former's office to talk about the incident.

"So Lucas attacked the boys because they attacked him first, according to Mr Chan." Marcus said, "Are you sure your brother didn't attack first, Eddie?"

"I have no idea." Eddie replied, "I'm going to ask him when I get back home. I can't believe he's creating trouble again."

"It must have been hard on you." Marcus pated his partner's shoulder, "Having two brothers that don't support the Master from the start and give you trouble all the time."

"I'm used to it. They don't like listening to me anyways, especially Lucas."

"So, what are you going to do if you found out he attacked them first?"

"Well, he'll be in the probation room. I don't have the bravery to give him a death sentence. I need to convince the Master that this is just a very small case."

Immediately, after he said that, his phone rang. Eddie slowly whipped his phone out and gulped upon looking at his screen.

"Who's it?" Marcus questioned. Eddie answered the call with a quivering voice, "H...h...hello, M...Master?"

"Why are you stuttering my name like that, Eddie?" The Master asked, "Have you been doing things behind my back? Or hiding things from me?"

"No, Master!" He answered without hesitation.

"C'mon, I was joking, Eddie. Come to my office. I've got to discuss a matter with you. It involves...your brother."

"My b...bro...brother?"

"Yeah, Lucas. That's his name, right? Am I getting his name wrong?"

"N...no, Master."

"Just be in my office in five minutes, alright? Don't be so tensed up. We're like friends, you know?"

"Y...y...yes, Master." Eddie then ended the call and facepalmed himself.

"What did the Master call you for?" Marcus asked.

"He said it's about Lucas." Eddie sighed, "I really hope it's not about the case that happened earlier today."

HexagonCube Presents


ロボットの世界 (Robotto no Sekai)

Episode 5

Thomas, Penny, and his mother sat at the table for their dinner. On the dinner table, there are dishes of broccoli, steamed fish, fried egg, and a big bowl of soup. The three of them ate with spoons and chopsticks.

"Finally, Thomas. A day that you're not making me worried." His mother said, "Many things happened these past few days, but I'm sure glad I get to have a meal with you two."

"I'm really happy to eat meals together with my boyfriend and his mother." Penny then pointed at Mike, who is standing outside the house, "But who is that guy?"

Thomas and his mother peeked at the window and realized that Mike is standing still outside the house, looking at them.

"Thomas, who is that?" His mother asked, "Is he a stalker or something?"

"He might be." He replied, "I met him at the supermarket earlier on. He bumped onto me, I picked his name card up, and then I gave it to him and I walked home."

"So that means he followed you all the way home?" Penny asked, "Should we just report to the police?"

"Let's give him a chance. I'll tell him to scram off first. If he doesn't do that by then, we'll ring the police up."

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