Episode 14

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James brought Lucas and his men to the former's laboratory downstairs. The latter looked around. This same laboratory is used to make robots to increase the population of robots in this world. There are other things in there, such as a fridge, a bed, and a workbench. Lucas then his gun at James's head.

"Make as many robots as possible." Lucas commanded, "Once I'm satisfied with the quantity, I'll stop it. And make sure they listen to me, not you. Any time I see you do something strange, I'll just shoot you. You understand?"

"Y...yes." James started up a machine in the middle of the room. It is a huge one with lots of buttons. He pressed some of them before the machine stared working.

A robot then came out from the machine. James took it out and dragged it to the workbench. He plugged a USB cable to connect his computer and robot. He then typed in some commands. All these while, the men are concentrating on what he is doing.

"Command it to meet at Garderner Street." Lucas said. James nodded his and keyed in a few more lines before pressing the 'Enter' key. He then took a screwdriver out.

"What's that for?" Lucas asked.

"To make sure the robot is turned on and working." James explained, "I'll touch the robot with this electric screwdriver. Then, I'll push it into the linkway, which is directly beside the workbench. It'll go through there, and it leads them to the Robot Gathering Centre. From there, they'll function."

"Alright." Lucas patted James's shoulder, "I'll be going away for a while. I got business to handle. Meanwhile, my men here will guard you and will be watching your every move. So don't try anything funny. Understand?"

James nodded his head. Lucas gave a smirk before leaving the laboratory. As he walked away, James looked at him before looking at the robot that has just been created.

HexagonCube Presents


ロボットの世界 (Robotto no Sekai)

Episode 14

In a house, Thomas is tied to a chair while being blindfolded. The men who drove him to the house are surrounding him.

"I wonder why Boss asked us to keep him." One of them said, "He doesn't look like a serious threat."

"Serious threat? He doesn't even look like a threat to Boss!" Another one said.

The men, who are the remaining protestors, had a meeting with Lucas and Jericho the previous night. Lucas told them that Simon had been murdered. Jericho then declared Lucas the next boss since Lucas is quite close to Simon.

"I don't feel comfortable calling that blonde guy Boss." The third man grumbled, "I feel like he has something to do with our real Boss's death."

"C'mon, Lucas already said it was some other murderer." The second one retorted, "Besides, why would Lucas kill Simon if they both have a common goal of killing the Master?"

"Haven't you heard of backstabbing, Mr Naive?" The third one questioned.

"Hello, let me out of this place!" Thomas screamed. The three men turned to him. At this moment, Lucas strolled in.

"Anything I missed?" He asked. The men shook their heads. He then went to Thomas and searched his pockets for his phone.

"Who the hell are you?" Thomas asked, "Why are you searching through my pockets?"

"Can you just shut up?" Lucas told Thomas as he took out the phone. Lucas kept it and told his men to leave the house.

"What about the guy?" One of the men asked.

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