Episode 12

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Kizuna cleared her throat, "Thomas-chan, I have something to ask you."


"Thomas-chan, if any one likes you, and confesses their feelings to you now, how would you feel?" She asked.

"I'll feel...sad. I do not have no time for relationships. I just broke up with someone. I will need time to let go of it. Besides, I don't even know when I'll be ready for a next romantic relationship. Why are you asking me this, Ai-chan?"

She looked at him with a surprised look.

"Umm...I'm just curious, you know." Kizuna reasoned out, "As a robot, I never really thought of romance and those kind of stuff, so I'm interested about it." She then looked away.

"Do you...like me?" Thomas questioned. He suspected that Kizuna liked him from her reaction to his reply.

Kizuna held his hands and fixed her eyes on him, "Thomas-chan, I'm bad at hiding my expressions, so I'm just going to be frank with you. Ever since I met you, I felt you're an interesting individual. As I started talking to you, hanging out with you, and getting to know you better, I found out that you're a fun and funny guy, yet caring and kind towards me. I always feel happy and joyous when I'm with you. I really enjoy all the times that we have spent together, and I'll feel sad if I'm not with you. Thomas-chan, I...I...I've fallen for you. W...would you be my boyfriend?"

Thomas stared at her with a surprised look.

"I...I mean, you can take your time to think, Thomas-chan." Kizuna let go of his hands, "I know you still think of Penny, and I can understand. I will wait patiently for your answer. No matter what your answer is, I'll always have your back. I'll always be there for you." She then walked away. Thomas sat down on the bench.

"What should I do?" He thought, "Ai-chan just confessed to me. A robot just confessed to me. But, yet again, she has learnt human emotions. I mean, she is not bad at all. She's gentle, kind, and pretty. She has an angelic voice. But I still haven't gotten over Penny. And what would people think of me and her? I'm at a total loss."

HexagonCube Presents


ロボットの世界 (Robotto no Sekai)

Episode 12

Simon told his protestors to get ready with their weapons. Lucas sat down on the sofa in Simon's house, drinking a cup of tea.

"You're not following, Lucas?" Simon asked, "This is big lifetime opportunity. We get to kill the Master with our hands. Why are you missing out on such a deal?"

"I'm tired today." Lucas replied, "I didn't get enough sleep last night. I'm catching up with it soon. Aaron's going to come with you though."

"If you say so." Simon said, "You'll regret missing this out." He then walked out. Lucas stood up and went to the kitchen. He looked from the window and saw the protestors preparing themselves. Lucas gave an evil smile and cackled.

Aaron dialed the police hotline outside Simon's house and placed the phone beside his ear. At this moment, Simon walked past him and saw him talking to someone on the phone.

Upon looking at Simon, Aaron started talking out loud, "Yeah, my dear friend. I'll be there by seven once I settle an important matter." Simon then walked away. Aaron heaved a sigh of relief and continued talking to the police about the details of the raid and Simon. Aaron had to lie to Simon so that the latter doesn't know the former's sabotaging him to go to jail.

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