Episode 3

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Thomas walked to the kitchen and tried to find a cup to pour water in. As he is finding, he heard Jason talking to someone on the phone. He hid behind a wall as he heard the conversation.

"...make sure to keep a close eye on him." Jason is saying, "He's kinda affected by the events that has happened, so be sure to comfort him. Also, tell your officers to walk around the city to make sure there are no more protests happening."

"Protests?" Thomas is surprised.

"One more thing. About that guy...the protestor with the robotic arms and legs..." Jason uttered, "...Make sure he stays in a very secured place. Make sure someone's there to teach him that protesting isn't the way to survive."

"Thomas-chan!" Kizuna tapped his shoulder. He jumped up in shock before breathing in and out heavily. He then turned back and saw the female robot.

"God dang it, Ai-chan!" Thomas exclaimed, "You scared the shit outta me!"

"What are you doing hiding behind the wall?" She questioned, "Are you listening to Daddy talking to his colleagues?"

"I mean, yeah..."

"Thomas-chan, that's really rude of you." She frowned, "You're not supposed to eavesdrop on anyone's conversation. It's basic respect."

"Alright, I'm sorry, Your Majesty." Thomas bowed down, "I promise I won't do that again."

"That's good." She smiled, "Anyways, I'm done with my room. Let's go watch the movie."

"Sure." Thomas replied. As she walked up, he looked at Jason once more before catching up to her.

HexagonCube Presents


ロボットの世界 (Robotto no Sekai)

Episode 3

Eddie woke up from his bed. He had been mentally tortured by Simon the previous day, and it sure was tiring for him.

He sighed and got out of bed. He bathed and brushed his teeth. He wore his police uniform and walked to the living room. A man with robotic arms and legs, in his twenties, is sitting on the sofa, watching a show on the television.

"Really?" The man groaned, "Stupid guy! Doesn't he know that she still loves him? And yet he's treating her so cold like it's nothing? Even leaving her in the rain to beg him to come back to her. What an asshole."

Eddie took the remote control and switched the television off. The man turned to him with an angry face, "Yo, you don't switch the television off like that! I'm watching the damn show!"

"How long are you going to laze around, Lucas?" Eddie asked, "Ever since that incident, you've been a slacker at home. Eating, sleeping, drinking. You think drinking's good for your health?"

"You think I enjoy life? With these robotic arms and legs?" Lucas crossed his arms, "I lost my real arms and legs. Drinking can cure my mental pain."

"It's not like you're forever a vegetable or you're a wasted man. You're still like a normal human." Eddie explained, "You're still able to walk. You're still able to talk. You're still able to eat and drink normally. You're still like a normal human. Go out and find a damn job. Don't waste your life out here watching shows."

"You think I don't want to get back on my feet?" Lucas smirked, "Charlie is gone. Just because he did such a minor crime. I'm trying to make myself happy again by watching television shows. Do you think I'm enjoying my life right now? Don't you think I feel devastated over the loss of our own brother? The Master is out there, giving the death sentence to anyone who does a crime. And you act like nothing's going on."

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