In The Woods📚

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He was supposed to be on a hike with some of his friends, but that plan quickly went south in many ways. They had forgotten a lot of supplies, not knowing that they would need some things, and soon they became lost in the thick wood that they had decided to venture into.

Now, this had been the first time any of them had gone hiking and didn't know that if you go off of the trail and didn't know the land, you would become severely, lost which they did. They discovered that it wasn't all that much fun if you weren't good at it or didn't have a guide.

Smitty, our main focus, had accidentally dropped his map while climbing one of the hills and thus had lost their only means of getting back to the real world. They had no service and had no idea where the nearest campsite would be, so this situation was not ideal.

Once the got to a clearing, they noticed the sun was getting close to setting and it was about to get dark.

"Um guys, we should probably hurry, the sun is about to set." One of them, Grizzy, said. Everyone nodded and they started to walk again. Soon, though, things got weird.

"Guys," the tallest, Fitz, started while looking around, "where's Swagger?"

Everyone pauses and looks around, noticing that the small man is gone. This makes them all panic.

"We need to find him before we leave and before the sun sets," Smitty says and they all agree, turning to go back into the forest.

After an hour of searching it starts to get dark and they're still looking for their short friend. There are no signs of him and everyone is getting worried. They've started to yell for the man to at least yell back and say that he's ok. They get no response.

Smitty sits down on a near by rock with tears in his eyes threatening to fall.

"We're never gonna find him, at this rate he could be dead or maybe he found his way out of the forest." He says, his eyes drooping and words slurring with tiredness.

"Hey, you can't talk like that, we're gonna find him and get out of here." Toby reasons, patting the man oh the back. "For now, lets all go to sleep for now, we'll get up at sunrise and go looking again." She says, sitting down on the floor with her back propped up against a tree. The others either sit down or they lean against a tree, other's have almost given up hope on finding their friend for the night but Toby's words helped a bit. They decide to camp out in the clearing Smitty had taken a seat in. They all picked spots to lie down and rest for the night. All of them starving and all of them tired, ready to be saved.

Sometime in the night, probably just after 4 am, Smitty wakes up suddenly, having heard something, or someone. He tosses and turns, but he can't get back to sleep after he's woken up. Eventually, he just ends up staring at the trees that seemed to go on forever and the stars and moon that were just barely peeking through the leaves. He hopes the way the trees move in a light of the moon would be enough to lull him to sleep again, to no avail.

It's been quite some time since he had woken up and Smitty still can't seem to fall asleep, for some reason, whether that be fear or worry or guilt or something else, he can't seem to shake a bad feeling. In a last-ditch attempt to get rid of the feeling, he decides to go for a walk, using his phone as a flashlight.

Walking around at night helped calm the man's nerves and soon he became lost in his thoughts, not hearing the footsteps following him. He walked for some time, and when he stopped, he realized he had no idea which way was to go back to the campsite. After his initial panic, he decided to turn around and head in the opposite direction of what he was just walking in. He walked past many different trees that he could barely see in the dark, and behind one of those trees waited a dark presence.

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