Late Night📚

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Late night talks were always a favorite of Jaren's. Going deep and personal with a friend or just goofing off was always something he enjoyed more than anything else in the world. He especially liked when he would have these sorts of talks with John, the man could go on for hours about a singular item of clothing that he was working on and spiral off into many different topics without so much as needing a break, it was entertaining to say the least. But Jaren also liked to talk about his own things, thoughts that were troubling him or maybe just ramble about current events.

Tonight was one of those nights where he and John had both stayed up a bit too late and now they were laughing at some meme that one of them had sent to the other via private message. But it was somehow different, for Jaren it was at least. Tonight he had planned on coming out to John. Sure the man already knows that he's bi, but what he doesn't know is that Jaren is trans, ftm to be specific, and tonight was going to be the night that he told his friend.

He was scared. He only ever told his family and childhood friends, seen as they were all there during most of his transition, but he felt that if anyone should know then it's John. They were best friends so of course he had to tell him at some point. Jaren having a slight crush on the older man also seemed to make him want to come out sooner rather than later, just in case.

He sat at his computer with skype open, hovering his cursor over John's icon which said he was active, debating whether or not he should go through with calling his friend. Before he could talk himself out of it, he was clicking on the call button. The sound of the familiar pending call only lasted a few seconds as soon he heard the voice of his friend.

"Hey Smit, what's up?" John asked almost as soon as the call connected, making Smiity smile.

"Nothing much going on over here so I thought I'd call you since you were online." He said, not fully telling a lie, it was true that there wasn't much going on around him at the moment and he was a bit bored, but that wasn't the main reason he called his friend.

"Makes sense, but what did you really call me for? You were online for a while before you called me." John pointed out, making Smiity freeze before sighing slightly and looking down to his hands.

"I have something to tell you," His voice was small and scared, but held a serious undertone to it. John pauses before he responds, no doubt hearing the tone that his friend had used.

"Are you ok?" He asked, his voice showing worry for the younger man who just giggled lightly and sourly.

"I'm fine, but I wanted to tell you that...that I'm not what you think I am." Smith said after a beat of hesitation.

"What, like you're an alien or something?" John gasped suddenly. "You're not Canadian?!?" This made the other man laugh lightly at the silly nature of his friend, but if John could see him, he would see the tears starting to prick his eyes.

"No, it's not that." He took a deep breath before continuing. "I'm trans, I was born a female and started transitioning to male when I was about 16, I've been on T for about 5 years now." He said, rushing through some of it but still getting the point across to his friend. "And I know that this could change the way you think about me, but I hope we can stay friends-"

"Jaren– did you really think that something like that could make me not want to be your friend?" John cut off the younger man, his voice soft and caring, something genuine that Smiity wasn't expecting. He also wasn't expecting for John to use his real name.

"I- I guess, I haven't had to come out to anyone about this since like high school and I- I don't know."

"Listen, Jaren, I won't look at you any different no matter what you are. Unless you're a fucking murderer or some shit, I won't give a shit about anything going on in your pants." Smiity laughs at this, no matter what the situation, John can always find a way to make him laugh or even just smile. He was a bit surprised at the use of his real name, but John seemed to be full of surprises "And I guess this would be the best time to tell you that I'm pansexual."

"I kinda figured, but thank you for telling me, I really appreciate it." Smiity says with a smile.

"I trust you with that sort of information, you're my best friend and I love you." He says, nonchalantly throwing out the declaration like it was nothing. The single phrase made Smiity's entire body freeze and he felt his face heat up.

"You do?" He asks simply and stupidly.

"Yes, you mean so much to me you idiot, and I've been trying to tell you for so long, but every time I tried to, I either chickened out or someone else interrupted." He sounded more confident now, his words coming out with a slight chuckle. Smiity was nearly speechless, he had been waiting to hear those words for nearly two years and here he was not being able to comprehend that they were finally said.

"John- I- I love you too." There are tears pricking Smiity's eyes and a wide smile spread across his face like a wildfire.

"I know you do, you're not very subtle you know?" Smiity laughs at this, of course John would take the opportunity to make fun of him.

"You're an idiot."

"Yeah, but maybe I could be your idiot?"

"Of course you dumb dumb, I would love for you to be my idiot." Smiity's tears were now falling from his eyes and he attempted to wipe them from his red cheeks.




"I love you."

"I love you too."

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