a god and his love📚

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A/N before this starts, in this John will be Eros and Smiity is Psyche, but other characters include Tobi as Aphrodite thank you.

Also this is for krii7y haven's halloween entry thing, but it will have a second part, thanks and enjoy!

There were very few things that Eros was scared of, the only thing being of the one thing that he was practically made for: love. He was ashamed to admit it, but the god of love was terrified of using one of his arrows on himself, so he never intended to. Never even to test if they were sharp enough in fear of the repercussions that might ensue.

He would sometimes hide his true form in favor of a human form and taking the name "John" as a pseudonym to blend in with the people on earth. While making his travels in the mortal world he would, on occasion, hear talk of a beautiful fellow who was believed to be even more beautiful than his mother, Aphrodite, and that people had started saying that he is more beautiful than the goddess of love and beauty herself. He knew that this act would enrage his mother, but he thought nothing of that, until his own mother had given him direct orders to do something about it.

"Eros, my son, there is someone who people claim is more beautiful than I, his name is Smiity I do believe, this villainous act of treason against the gods has made many people come to believe that he is the god of beauty. He shall not go unpunished for his heresy, and, as my son and the god of love, I command you to make his life one that would be best fit for that of a husband to a monster, one that is horrid to look at. Go and make him love something so terrible that no one will ever want to even see him again if it was around her." Her voice rang out in the tall foyer of the mansion she had summoned her son too. With a nod, the winged god set off into the night to locate the human who had betrayed his mother so daringly.

It didn't take long before he was hovering above the fancy looking palace that held none other than the man that had caused such a commotion that attracted the attention of his mother. He flew down to the window he knew to be the young prince's as quietly as he could, making sure that he didn't disturb anyone who might be sleeping, or alert anyone awake of his presence. Stepping onto the window ledge, the god looked down to retrieve one of his arrows, planning to make the man fall in love with a hideous monster.

Eros approached the bed of the sleeping man quietly, making sure his footsteps went unnoticed. He slowly lifted the arrow and placed the nock on the string to get it set, placing his three fingers on the string to be able to pull it back. He was getting ready to draw back the string when the boy shifted in his sleep, causing Eros to fumble with the bow and drop the arrow to the ground, making a clattering noise. The noise made the young boy stir in his sleep, shifting from sleeping on his stomach to lie on his side, exposing his face to the god that was standing as still as he could.

When the god was sure that he hadn't woken up Smiity, he looked down to the young human, his eyes finally catching a glance of the beauty that adorned his face. The god's eyes widened at the sight of the boy in front of him, peacefully asleep on his bed. How could a human be so beautiful? Had his mother herself helped in making this man? His thoughts had consumed him and he dared to step closer to the man of such beauty that rivaled his mother's, he hadn't realized how close he was to stepping on his own arrow. He was in a trance, his eyes darted to look at this boy from his head to his toes, and as he stared he started to wish that he didn't have to make him fall in love with a monster, this boy doesn't deserve that.

The god lifted his free hand up to gently trace his fingers down the man's cheek, but as he takes a step forward, a painful yet wonderful sensation fills his body, stemming from his foot. His eyes widen as he realized that he had just stepped on his own arrow, but he can't say that he regretted it at the time, his mind completely consumed with adoration and awe of the man in front of him.

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