The Pince Bride pt3📚

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A tall man dressed in purple stands on top of a tall cliff, moving in a fluid motion that recreates the scene of a duel, placing his boots in the footprints to mimic the way the two men had done fought earlier.

"There was," he pauses to spin around while moving, "a mighty duel here, Jay. It ranged all over" he started to climb up the ruins. "they were both masters."

"Who won? How did it end?" Jay said, curious about what had actually happened before they got there. The man, Prince Fitz, looked down to where the imprint of a body lay in the gravel.

"The loser ran off alone and the winner-" he pointed off in the direction that the man in black had gone in along with Smiity, Tobi, and Grizzy. "followed those footsteps, toward Gilder." his voice grew more and more venomous as he continued to talk.

"Shall we track them both?" Jay asks.

"The loser is nothing to us, only the prince matters." Fitz turned to the men on horses that surrounded the immediate area. "This was clearly all set up by warriors of Gilder, we must be ready for whatever lies ahead."

"Could this be a trap?" Jay asks as Fitz vaults himself onto his horse.

"I think everything could be a trap, which is why I'm still alive." They all start to ride off to where the aforementioned winner had taken off to.

Meanwhile, the man in black was running to where he had seen the prince and that woman last, climbing a steep hill as fast as he could, that was until he got to the top of the hill and saw the prince with a blindfold over his eyes and a knife to his neck, Tobi on the other side of the knife, this made him slow to a stop. There was a picnic set up on a rock held up by some branches that had two goblets and a wine bottle along with a few apples and some bread.

"So, it is down to you," Tobi gestures to the man in black "and it is down to me." she gestures to herself. The man in black starts to walk towards the two on the rock. "If you wish her dead, by all means keep moving forward."

The man in black smiles and raises his hands to the side while still moving forward.

"Let me explain." he says.

"There's nothing to explain, you're trying to kidnap what I've rightfully stolen"

"Perhaps an arrangement can be reached?" he still walks closer even as the knife comes closer and closer to the young boy's neck. Tobi moves a hand to grab the prince's arm and pull him closer to her so that he wouldn't be able to run.

"There will be no arrangement, and you're killing him." as the words were spoken, Tobi pressed the knife into Smiity's throat harder, making him gasp at the pain. The action made the man in black stop dead in his tracks, his smile falling off of his face and lowering his hands.

"Well if there can be no arrangement, then we are at an impasse." The man in black regains his composure and smiles at the woman again.

"I'm afraid so-- I can't compete with you physically and you're no match for my brains." the confidence that came out of her mouth when she spoke those words had the man in black smirking and crossing his arms over his chest.

"You're that smart?"

"Let me put it this way: you eve heard of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates?" she pauses as the man nods his head. "Morons."

"Really? In that case, I challenge you to a battle of wits."

"For the prince?" the woman says and the man tilts his head with a look on his face that suggests he had something much bigger in mind. "to the death?" his head tilts down slightly with a smile on his face. The look makes Tobi pull the knife away from the prince's neck with a smile. "I accept."

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