the story begins 📚

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so this was originally just going to be smaller stories and anecdotes but then this chapter got really long (more specifically over 10000 words long) so the full thing will be uploaded on ao3 seen as it's becoming its own thing and i don't think it should go here

this is just a preview of the full thing, so if you want to check that out go over to ao3, it'll be up soon

this is the beginning of the dnd au i was talking about before.


One who lives in the city of Totumm knows that the Forest of Malute is not the place to be, especially not alone.

All the children tell stories about how the Mediocrisilvam, the forest thieves, will take you and roast you over an open fire, burning you alive, and that they would do this for fun. The adults would let them say these things, so long as it meant they would stay away from the trees, out of fear of what lurks beyond them.

When a new person comes to town, they are reminded time and time again that the forest is a force to be reckoned with. They are told the stories of how if you go in, you will more than likely never come out. How the Mediocrisilvam will rob you, and most likely kill you, or worse. They've lived their lives in the trees and the woods, grown-up learning their ways through the confusing and harsh environment.

Smiity was no different from the other newcomers, he was an outsider that had been welcomed and warned, but his journey depended on the forest and its contents. More specifically a certain yellow flower that he needed for a potion that would, potentially, help him focus on his learning how to control his powers and different incantations and spells. His mentor told him that getting his hands dirty could help him in the long run and sent him off to find the forest without any warning of the dangers that lurk inside.

So that's what led him here, at the town's most popular tavern, with a solemn face and one thought on his mind. That thought being: how he can make it through the forest without proper training or any knowledge of the terrain or the people? With a drink in hand, he sat for nearly an hour, thinking and listening to the person that was performing a song that sounded like an old forgotten tale that is mad for being lost.

He looked up to look at the bard who he found was already looking at him with a curious gaze as he strummed his lute, not missing a note. There was a frown on his lips, a visible mole sat right above his upper-left lip. He was wearing a leather jacket that fit him way too well to be legal and matching leather pants to go with it. Smiity looked away quickly, staring back at his drink.

When he finished his first and only drink for the night, he stood up and paid his tab, thanking the bartender as he made his way out of the establishment, not looking back to the bard who was still singing and playing his songs.

He walked over to his inn where he was staying for the next few days, planning how he would find what he needed.

He decided that night was probably the worst time for him to go exploring the trees and ended up going to sleep so he could wake up early and get a head start on his adventure.

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