elevator shenanigans📚

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⚠️the entire oneshot is pretty heated⚠️

The night had been going well, Smitty had met up with a few friends before going to the convention they were at and they all had a lot of fun checking out games during the actual convention. Smitty was especially excited to see his best friend and also long-distance boyfriend, John, for the first time in a few months. He was happy that he and John were able to get a room together for the whole time they'd be at the convention, and it was near the top of the hotel so they had a great view of the city from their window.

But, night had fallen and everyone said their goodbye's as they parted ways to go to their respective rooms, leaving the Canadian and his boyfriend alone. They hadn't had much time to be very intimate in public, still not being out to the fans or even their friends, so it was nice to have some time to themselves.

"Today was a lot of fun, wouldn't you agree?" John asks, his hands behind his head as the two men made their way into the hotel that they were staying at, he looked over to the smaller man next to him with a lazy smile on his face.

"Yeah totally, it was good to see the guys again. And you, I guess." He joked, shrugging his shoulders as John barks out a short laugh.

"You love me and you know it." John's arms fall and wrap around the Canadian's shoulders, pulling him into his side, to which Smitty melting into his boyfriend's touch as they got to the doors of the elevator.

"Maybe just a bit," He said, his head resting on John's shoulder. It was late and no one would or even should be up at this ungodly hour, so the two weren't worried about being open with their relationship. Smitty could barely conceal his smile when the door opened up and they stepped inside, John's arm leaving its place around his shoulders to hit the button for their floor before coming to rest on the Canadian's hips. John pulled Smitty flush against his chest and pressed their foreheads together. Smitty hummed at the affectionate gesture, closing his eyes and smiling at the contact.

His bliss was short-lived though because within a few seconds he was pinned to the wall of the elevator with a mouth pressing against his. The sudden kiss makes his eyes shoot open for a second before they drift closed again and his arms wrap around John's neck, pulling him closer. John's lips are harsh with the kiss, pressing feverishly to the smaller man's lips, creating sparks between the two.

Smitty's hands worm their way into John's hair and he starts to tug slightly, making John make a sort of grunt sound and remove his hands from the Canadian's hips and pulling his hands out of his hair to pin them to the wall so the man couldn't move them anymore. The action makes Smitty let out a small moan which allows John's tongue to slip into his mouth and claim it as his. Not that he hadn't already done just that a million times before.

John continued to map out the inside of Smitty's mouth with his tongue for a little longer before pulling away and leaning his head down to kiss the expanse of his neck, making the smaller man let out a whisper of a moan when he feels the lips press down on his neck, knowing right where he was weakest. John was making his kisses light against the skin, not wanting to mark the pale skin and possibly out the two of them.

Smitty could start to feel him losing himself in the pleasure, slowly melting against the man who was pinning him to the wall of the elevator. He wasn't able to fully register the slowing of the elevator until John pulls away from him and rests back against the wall next to him. He stares in front of him with his mouth left hanging open and arms up in the air, wondering why his lover had pulled away from him. That was until the door to the elevator started to open which made him quickly pull his arms back down to his side and try to hide his blush as a young and tired looking woman stepped into the elevator, walking to stand on the sidewall of the elevator, pulling out her phone and opening it after pushing the button to her floor, which was conveniently a few floors below his and John's floor.

Smitty fidgeted with his hands for the few seconds that he spent trying his best to not jump on John while someone else was in the elevator with them. He didn't realize he was moving his hands until John grabbed his hand and squeezed it, making Smitty look at him. He saw the man had a reassuring smile on his face, but he got distracted by the look that was gleaming in the taller man's eyes. It was one that showed the lust that was fueling their heavy makeout session not even a minute earlier. He could see the want that was clouding John's eyes, and he didn't miss the way those eyes dipped down to stare at his lips for a few seconds.

To the woman sharing the room with them, it seemed like John was helping his friend not be as scared in the elevator, but the two men knew that Smitty was getting uncomfortable in his pants and he was starting to heat up, a blush slowly rising up his neck as John's hand rubbed circles into his, the touch seeming far too intense for the Canadian.

Luckily for both of them, the elevator stopped on the other woman's floor and she left as the doors opened. The two waited in silence for the door to close before John had Smitty backed up against the wall again and his lips were pressing in and claiming what was theirs. this action made Smitty yelp slightly before melting into the kiss again and wrapping his arms around Kryoz's shoulders once again for support, this time pulling the man closer into his space and opening his legs for John to push one of his legs between.

John's hands trailed down Smitty's body and rested on his hips, gripping them harshly and making the other man moan into his mouth. Kryoz to the opportunity to move his tongue into the smaller man's mouth. Smitty's hip involuntarily rolled down on the thigh that belonged to the man that was slowly taking him apart with just his mouth. Smitty pulled his head away from the kiss and tilted his head back, letting out a moan and allowing the American to mouth at his back, this time lightly biting down in some places which only made Smitty moan out more.

Soon the elevator's doors opened once again and the two pulled away from each other, John grabbing Smitty's hand and dragging them to their room. As soon as the door was unlocked they rushed into the room. Once the door was closed and locked the two were back on each other, John walking Smitty back into the room and onto their shared bed while taking off their shirts before gently shoving Smitty onto the mattress.

"Because we haven't seen each other in a while, I'm going to make up for missed time tonight, you ok with that?" John whispered into Smitty's ear lowly and kissed down to the man's now exposed shoulder, asking for consent even though Smitty had just been grinding on him a minute ago. Smitty's hands leaped into John's hair as the man continued to kiss down his chest, stopping to pay attention to his nipple, taking it into his mouth and rolling it with his tongue.

"Yes, please, I need this." He said into the air, his eyes closed and mouth open as his hips searched for any form of friction that would give him some form of relief.

"Then hold on, it'll be a long night for up." And with that, John leans up and captures Smitty's lips once again.

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