his plan📚

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Ever since Jaren could remember, ever since he could even think about it, he had what his proposal would look like down to a T. From the place it would happen, to the way she would react. Everything. The look on her face, the words she would say, and the dress she would wear. All of it was depicted in his own little world that he built at the age of 4.

His first girlfriend, he thought, was the one he wanted to be with forever. That relationship only lasted about 3 months, but it was middle school and, as everyone told him, he was young. So he moved on, to bigger and better things. And he fell in love a couple of times, not many, but a good amount. And anyway, he still had his proposal planned out from start to finish.

He really thought that his life was perfect, for the most part, that is. He had the usual problems that almost every teenager had; a semi-decent relationship with his parents, a problem with his body image and self-confidence, some depression here and there, and a whole lot of problems involving school, be it a bad grade or even a person who made it hard to focus, the list goes on. Really, other than those few things, he was golden, maybe silver.

Soon, he was graduating high school, but he didn't go to college, no, you see, he had started to make videos on an online platform called YouTube, and he had garnered quite the following online. His parents allowed him to continue his "job" with the promise that if he wasn't able to start making some sort of a living off of it then he would go back to school and get his degree and get what they thought was considered a real job and eventually marry a nice girl. Luckily for him, his channel blew up and he was able to live off of what he found fun.

As time went on he met friends, and he met creators like him who had the same idea: dropout and play video games for the rest of their life.

But then— then he met John. Now John was a lot of things and, although this sounds cliche, simple was not one of them. He was an enigma, with his offensive and yet childish sense of humor that meshed well with his, and his weird way of not caring about anything yet always being there for anything. He was fun, to say the least, and he was also a lot of work, but still fun nonetheless. Meeting him was probably the best thing to happen in a while. John quickly became a good friend to Jaren.

From Skype calls to recording sessions, they would always be able to make the other laugh with jokes and bits that would sometimes go on for way too long, but they still managed to be funny enough to include in a video, they always had something to talk about, and when they didn't, the silence wasn't needed to be filled with small talk or flat and dry conversations. It was like the two were on the same wavelength and that they could always count on each other for one thing or another.

Sooner or later, Jaren found himself falling in love. Now, this wasn't the first time he had fallen for another man, but this time it was someone he was friends with, someone he trusted more than anyone else in the world, and he was falling head over heels in love with him. And for the first time, he was scared that it meant the end of something, that this would change him, would change them, for better or for worse. He couldn't tell.

That was until John had shown up in front of his house in the middle of the night with tears running down his face. Of course, he let the man in, he had flown over 500 miles to see Jaren, why wouldn't he let him in? He took John over to his couch and sat him down, asking if he wanted to talk about it, but all John said was "I can't.". It scared the other man, thinking John had done something terrible, he didn't even think for a second that he might have been talking about something much more joyous to them.

John, in the midst of near hysteria, admitted to being in love with someone, a man, and a friend at that. Jaren had fleeting glimpses of hope sparking in his chest when he heard that, but his main focus was calming his friend down with soothing words and gentle touches. they seemed to work because soon John was breathing evenly on the younger's shoulder, eyes closed and body relaxed. He looked beautiful in that moment. It made Jaren realize that he had fallen hard, though it wasn't the first time he realized that he was in love with John. No, he's known for some time now, but it was the first time he's seen his friend in months and it was at this time that he really saw just how far he had fallen.

He let John stay the night, left him on the couch for the time being, and soon one day became one week and then 2, but then at the end of the second week, something big happened.

John sat Jaren down and told him something that would change everything for the rest of their lives. He told him that the man he was in love with is Jaren, that he fell for him soon after they met and that he didn't want this to change their friendship if he didn't feel the same. Luckily for both of them, Jaren felt the same. And even though they felt the same, they decided to take it slow and wait, but that was hard for both of them, so soon there was a moving van outside of Jaren's house that held the man that he loved so dearly, and all of the things that he had in his house.

The whole thing was surreal and a dream come true to Jaren, and when he ran to hug John, everything felt right in the world.

John was able to come into his life and change everything, change what he thought was going to happen to him in life, it made him rethink his life. And sure, John had his own plan that was disrupted when he fell for the Canadian, but his plan wasn't as thought out and heartwarming as Jaren's was. And even though they had small and petty fights, they would always be able to come back from their fallouts, even if it seemed unlikely. They became each other's new plan, living in the world together for as long as they lasted.

Jaren hadn't even thought of proposing, they had talked about getting married and starting a family together, usually, these talks would happen late at night, both men either tired or tipsy, but they happened. He knew he wanted to be with John for the rest of his life, but he didn't think that marriage was necessary, though he wanted to be able to say that John was his husband, that sounded nice in his head. So no, he wasn't actively looking for rings or for vacation destinations that seemed like a good place to propose, even if he had it all planned out how he wanted to propose. With John, he felt it wasn't a big deal. He knew that one of them would propose at some point, they both wanted to be married, but he didn't want to rush into it and do it at the wrong time.

He surely didn't expect it, but was he surprised? Not really, he was more taken aback and excited when he saw that his boyfriend had pulled out a small grey box while they stood alone in the middle of the night on the roof of an abandoned mall. He was speechless when John got down on one knee and said a small speech that ended with those four words that he had been wanting to hear, even if he hadn't realized it. Tears started to prick his eyes and he felt a million emotions all at once hit him. Happiness, because the man he loved just proposed. Exacberation, because he had proposed on the roof of an abandoned mall. Jealousy, because he wanted to do that. But mostly, he felt love.

After a minute of silence and crying, Jaren burst out in laughter and tackled John to the ground with a cry of "yes!", holding him close and peppering kisses all over John's face, making John laugh along with him. Once the two stand up, John pulls out the ring that would soon adorn the younger male's left hand. Once it was on, Jaren took the time to admire the beautiful black diamond in the middle and the clear ones that were wrapped around the band.

It was beautiful. It was also the ring that he had pointed out to John when they were in a small jewelry shop in the mall, they had gone in as a joke but John must've actually been listening very closely to his boyfriend.

And now Jaren gets to wear the ring proudly and show it off to friends, but all he wants to do right now is cuddle and kiss his fiance with as much love as he can show, holding his face as he says he wants to be with him for the rest of their lives.

Jaren may have had a plan for his life, but he was glad that John changed that. He wouldn't want it any other way.

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