out of the woods📚

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Once I had finished recounting what had happened the night prior, I had a tear falling from my eye. I look up to my friends who surrounded me, their eyes were wide and looked filled with fear and sympathy. It was Tobi who first spoke up.

"That...sounds terrifying, I'm so glad that the ranger found you." She said wrapping her arm around my shoulder and pulling me into a hug, placing her other hand on my head in an act of comfort. I wrap both of my arms around her middle and bury my head into her shoulder, letting more tears flow.

"Yeah, without him you might've..." Grizzy starts, but he trails off, coughing slightly, not wanting to finish his sentence. We all understood what he was going to say and it only makes me cry harder.

"Let's get out of here, we've all had enough adventure for one day," Fitz spoke up after a moment of silence. I pull away from Tobi and wipe my eyes, nodding. We started to all head to the car, I was walking slightly faster than I usually do, wanting to get out of the forest as soon as possible.

Soon we're in the car, I'm in the middle of Swagger and Tobi. I turn my head to look out the window and watch the dirt path merge into one of asphalt, trees still surrounding us. I reach down to grab my phone before I remember that I had dropped it while running away from that guy. That just means that I won't be able to text John right away.

"Hey, I kinda lost my phone in the woods, do you think we could stop by somewhere and get me a new one?" I ask, quietly.

"Oh, that's fine, you'll need to have a phone if you want to text that hot ranger that saved you earlier," Tobi said, grabbing my arm with one hand and pressing her other hand to her forehead dramatically like a fainting Victorian lady from the 1800s. I roll my eyes at her and smile slightly.

"Yeah, you have your knight in shining armor you need to call, can't have you miss out on that." Fitz joined in, making everyone chuckle lightly, I just blushed, thinking back to John.

Sure it might have been part of his job to save people, though probably more figuratively than literally, it still felt like finally someone could care for me. He seemed like he knows what he's doing in his job, but he can't be more than 25 years old, maybe he's been working there since he got out of school? He seems to know at least some laws and stuff. Thinking back on how he acted so tough makes my face heat up.

Soon the car comes to a stop and I look up to see that we're at the apple store. How long was I not paying attention? Never mind that, I need a new phone.

*time skip because im too lazy to write*

When we reach my house, I hesitate to get out of the car, fearing that that man would somehow be here, watching me and waiting to pounce.

"You want me to walk you to your door?" Tobi says after I take a bit too long getting out of the car, I just look at her with pleading eyes and she smiles, stepping out of the car and holding the door open for me. She walks to the trunk of the car and pulls out my backpack before holding out her arm and I gladly take it, walking up the small path to my door where she waits for me to unlock it.

"Thanks, but you really didn't have to do that though," I say, not looking at my friend while I fumble with my keys.

"Don't worry about it, I'm sure that the whole experience was a bit traumatizing to you so we should probably all be a bit more sympathetic around now." She said and I finally got the door open, slowly pushing it only to hear the sound of my dog rushing to the door barking like crazy, it makes me smile knowing that I have her to protect me, but also my friends.

"Again, thank you, and tell the others I say thanks, I'll see you soon." She smiles and waves, walking back to the car. I step into the house and am immediately attacked by a vicious animal, also known as Octavia. Her body moving vigorously as she jumped at me, tail moving back and forth at high speeds.

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