The Prince Bride pt2📚

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Night had fallen and the moon had risen, looking over the water in the channel that connected Florin and Gildir, the light from said moon guiding a small boat that sailed through the water. This boat, in particular, held four passengers, a woman with anger issues, an Italian who has a problem for getting high, a big man with a heart equal to his size, and a young prince scared and annoyed at the people surrounding him.

Tobi has her eyes in front of them with her hand holding a piece of bread leftover from their "dinner". She was leaning on the side of the boat casually on a stool, everyone on the boat in her line of sight with Smitty on the ground in front of her and Grizzy standing next to him. Eric was sitting at the stern of the ship, where he could easily steer the boat either out of danger and into where they were going.

"We'll reach the cliffs by dawn." The woman said smiling at the crew before looking sinisterly at their captive. Eric, the aforementioned Italian, nodded before looking over his shoulder and out into the black water. The smile on Tobi's face dropped. "Why are you doing that?"

Eric looks back to his captain to explain.

"I'm just making sure no one's following us." He said reassuringly.

"That would be inconceivable," Tobi said, annunciating the word inconceivable.

"You know, despite what you think," A voice speaks up from in front of the woman, she turns her head, annoyed, at the interruption. "You will be caught, and when you are the prince will see you all hanged." The words from the young man were confident and poised.

"Of all the necks on this boat, Highness, the one you should be worried about is your own," Tobi states with a cold stare at the boy who turns away, sadness and pain in his eyes. Eric turned his eyes back to the waters, away from the scene in front of him. Tobi makes a displeased grunt and looks at him even more annoyed. "Stop doing that, we can all relax, it's almost over."

"Are you sure nobody's following us?"

"As I told you it would be absolutely totally and utterly inconceivable. No one in Gildir knows what we've done, and no one in Florin could possibly get here so fast," She leans her head back on the boat for a few beats before she turns back to the short man. "Out of curiosity, why do you ask?"

"Well I just happened to look back and someone was there." The Italian man shrugged.

"What?" The woman gets up from her seat and makes her way to the back of the ship to look over the side of the boat, seeing a sailboat that was probably about the same size as theirs, it looked very far away and was turned in a different direction than where they were headed. "It's probably just a local fisherman out for a pleasure cruise in the middle of the night in..eel infested waters..." She trails off, realizing how stupid that sounds.

Suddenly there's a splashing sound and the crew and captain all turn to see the prince making a getaway by the water, swimming like his life depended on it. Which wasn't far off from the truth.

Tobi, now looking even more infuriated than before runs to the side of the boat before turning to Eric and Grizzy and pointing at them.

"What are you doing? Go in after him!" She flailed her arms. Eric only shrugged.

"I don't swim." He said plainly. Tobi turns her gaze to Grizzy.

"I only doggie paddle." He says. Smitty is getting farther and farther from the boat when he hears a blood-curdling screech. He whips his head around looking for the source of the noise, but there's nothing around him.

"You hear that? Do you know what that is highness?" Tobi asks, looking off the side of the boat as the two men are nowhere to be seen. "Those are the Shrieking  Eels—If you don't believe me, just wait; they always grow louder when they're about to feast on human flesh."

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