Island Takeover Short Arc

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(Izzy: This was my co-author on quotev) new writer here. warning, there is some bloodshed in this chapter.

You were sitting in your cabin with your feet propped up on your desk. You were daydreaming about all the money you were going to make at the Grand Arena. Cries were heard outside from your crew.

'Someone call the captain!'

'Louis! Get the Captain!

Louis burst into your cabin, looking wild and about as excited as a skeleton could look. You jumped up and thrust your hand out, seizing his body.

"Louis! What is the meaning of this?!" He was struggling to speak so you let him go.

"C-Captain! An island! It looks ripe for the taking!" Your eyes widened and you pushed Louis out of the doorway as you stormed through. Louis ran from behind you to get to the helm and awaited your command. You saw a small island up ahead and you felt a twinge of excitement.

"Steer towards that island Louis!" You felt the ship turn and you headed to the bow of the ship.

"Aye Aye Cap'n!" You turned towards one of your crew members. "Bring me Harry." They nodded and rushed down with two other crew members. You just stood there on the bow looking pretty badass with your hair flowing behind you from the sea wind. You heard chains clink behind you and you turned to see Harry standing there with his hands behind his back and a rather smug look.

"Ah, you couldn't get enough of me could you?" You scoffed and walked towards him. You brushed some dirt off his shoulder and looked up at him.

"No. I wanted to show you how to be a real pirate." His smug expression fell and he glared at you.

"What?" You chuckled and your expression turned evil.

"Watch and learn Harry. Time to prove that red flag isn't just for show." Harry's face turned a bit pale, he had never witnessed real death before. Your expression was so bloodthirsty that he shuddered a bit. Thankfully, you didn't notice and turned your attention towards the approaching island. "Louis, what island is this?"

"This is the Isle of Lotran Cap'n!" You flipped your hair behind your shoulder and prepared to dock. Your ship arrived at the small harbor the island had and there weren't any people there. Your crew members let down the ramp to get off the ship, and you strutted down the ramp. Two crew members escorted Harry behind you. Your boots hit the sand, and halfway to the small opening in the palm trees, a small girl peeked out from the leaves. You noticed her and grinned like a wolf. She ran away screaming, and you snapped your fingers at your crew.

"Follow her." All of them but the two restraining Harry ran after her with a battle cry. You dismissed the two crew members who were holding Harry and they ran after the rest of your crew. You waited about 10 seconds then made smoke appear around you and Harry, teleporting you both to the entrance of the village. Harry's skin paled a shade lighter as he watched your skeleton crew scare everyone in sight. You raised your hand up and black smoke shot towards the sky forming a skull with two swords in it, and your crew cheered. Screams were heard from all directions as your crew started to fuck things up. Fire was set to everything in sight, and blood was splattered all over the once clean roads.

Three of your crew members brought a man, a woman, and the little girl from earlier. The man looked petrified and was wearing some type of crown on his head. The woman was sobbing and she had on an elegant dress and equally elegant crown. The little girl was struggling and crying hysterically. Her hair was messed up and she had on a cute little dress. You looked at the three of them up and down. You smirked and walked around them, kind of like a predator circling their pray.

"Well well well, what have we 'ere? A royal family huh? So then you must know the Queen of Hearts, correct?" The king shook his head frantically. "No? What a shame. She's a great woman. One of my favorite queens besides myself. Well, do you know my favorite line of hers?" The queen shook her head confused and scared of what you were getting at. You turned towards your crew and looked directly at the family. "Off with their heads." The king and princess were dragged away, both screaming at the top of their lungs. You motioned for the queen to be moved towards you. She looked at you and she was speechless. While maintaining direct eye contact with her, you took the crown off her head and placed it on your own. "Sorry bitch, you've been dethroned." She was dragged away as well, screaming and crying. You turned away from the village and waved
hand. "Find me some good loot or I'll pull you. Oh, and when Harry's done having a good look around, take him back to his cell. Don't be afraid to kill him if he runs." You walked towards your ship with your hands behind your head. Harry stared at your retreating figure in shock. He looked back at the village with all of the dead bodies and skeletons raiding and destroying everything. Two skeletons ran with a flag with a specific mark on it. They placed it on top of the biggest building, which Harry guessed belonged to the king.

"Damn, this girl..." He turned towards the two crew members that were waiting for him. "I'm ready to go back now lads." The two skeletons each grabbed one of his muscular arms and led him to the ship. He looked around to try to find you but you weren't on the deck. He sighed in disappointment, and let the skeletons drag him back to his dreaded cell. He was shoved in, and he sank down onto his small cot, and chuckled.

"You see how insane she is now?" Harry looked up to see m/n looking at him with a broken look. Harry glared at him.

"Who asked you to speak?" m/n shook his head.

"Absolutely pathetic. How can you stand her? She's FUCKING MENTAL! DID YOU SEE HOW EASY IT WAS FOR HER TO KILL AN ENTIRE FUCKING VILLAGE?" m/n roared with anger and pushed himself against the call door. Harry sat there looking very unimpressed. He scoffed.

"Are you done with your little tantrum now kid?" An older man stirred from his place in the corner of his cell. Harry and m/n both turned to look at the older man. He turned his body towards m/n. "Careful there boy. Don't want to yell too loud. The queen might hear you." m/n backed down from the cell door and shrank into a corner of his cell. Harry chuckled at how easy it was to get him to back down. "You better be careful too lad. Don't fall too hard for her." Harry looked away, crossing his arms and the man slumped back into his small space and fell silent.

'Damn old man. What does he know? I'll fall for her as hard as I want to!' Harry's thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of boots clacking down the stairs. You sauntered down the steps, right up to Harry's cell.

"Well? What did you think? Still wanna be with me?" Harry was a little surprised, but hid it with an expression of admiration.

"Of course I do, darling. Who's to say I didn't enjoy that little take-over? It was rather hot to see you command your crew like that." You growled and turned on your heel. You sent a vicious glare at m/n and he hung his head down. You felt prideful, and marched back up the stairs. You watched your crew bring bags of gold coins and expensive looking jewels. You grabbed a bag of jewels from one of your crew members and inspected them.

"Oh yeah, these little fuckers are gonna be worth a hella lot of money." You gave the bag to a passing skeleton and he saluted and ran the bag to the hidden treasure room. Your crew members had lifted the plank and were getting ready to set sail. Louis was shouting commands and you felt just the tiniest bit of pride towards him. You scoffed and walked back into your cabin. You set a map onto your desk and crossed off the small island you just conquered. You leaned back in your chair, feeling very content. You heard Louis yell that they were setting sail for the Grand Arena. You chuckled darkly and closed your eyes. You fell asleep, dreaming of the bloody massacre you had just inflicted on that innocent village.

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