Chapter 1- Apearence of a Soulmark

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3rd Person POV

"Nggh..!", The green haired boy groaned. He sat up from his bed and rubbed his eyes. It was currently 12:30 A.M, still pretty late. The boy gripped onto his hair as he put his head down. He started to cry silently. "It..H-Hurts", He whispered to himself. He slowly walked to the bathroom, still gripping onto his messy hair. The boy looked at his head. "Oh no.."He said. The boy knew what was happening, and he didn't like it one bit. The pain stopped for a few minutes, then it started over again. This kept repeating for a while. then it stopped around 6:00 A.M

---Time skip---

"You ok Deku? You look tired.", His friend, Uraraka, asked. "Yeah man, you look as tired as Aizawa, and he only gets 3 or less hours of sleep", A boy with red, spiked hair said. Midoriya rubbed his eyes. Everyone but Midoriya looked wide awake. "So did I. And it gets me pissed off because it shows when I use my quirk..-Dammit!", Midoriya said. He covered his mouth and blushed slightly, putting his head down.

Uraraka gasped quietly, not wanting to give it away. "Don't tell me..You got your-". Midoriya covered Kirishima's mouth. "Don't give it away right off the bat", He said. He uncovered Kirishima's mouth and looked around to see if anyone heard them. "Please don't tell anyone", Midoriya said. Kirishima and Uraraka looked at each other, then back at the green haired boy. They both nodded. "I swear on my life", Uraraka said. Kirishima activated his quirk and pounded his fists together. "I won't say a word, I promise.", He said and smiled.

The bell rang as everyone got out of there seats. "Hey Deku!", Uraraka said. Her and Iida sat beside the boy, along with Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, Mina and Bakugou. "Hey..", A boy with red and white hair said as he sat across from Midoriya. "Hey Todoroki", Uraraka said and smiled. Todoroki looked at her, then back at his food.

Todoroki looked up for a split second, then looked up again. He noticed Midoriya's hair. 'Something's off..Could it be?', Todoroki thought to himself. He looked closer at his hair. 'No way..', he thought. He felt someone staring at him. Todoroki looked away and glanced around. Him and Iida made eye contact. Iida glared at him for a few seconds. They both stopped and continued to eat their food.

After lunch. Class started up again. "Alright class, Today we'll be going to the training grounds. I already assigned partners so there's no need to be picky with your choices. Everyone put on your hero costumes and meet up in 10 minutes sharp. Understood!", Aizawa said. "Yes Mr. Aizawa", Everyone said.

Bakugou's POV

"Alright class, listen up and listen good. Today you'll be working stragety and combat. It's almost like a game of tag, only both of you are the seekers. I said I already assigned partners. It shouldn't be too hard. The catch? You each have been partnered with your polar opposites. Good luck", Aizawa said. Everyone started whispering stuff to each other.

I looked over at shitty hair, then over at Deku. 'Uggh. It either Shitty Hair or Deku, damn nerd anyways', I thought to myself. I groaned quietly, not wanting to sound bored. "You exited Kacchan~", Kaminari said to me. My face started to heat up a little bit. "Of course I'm not scared you extra!", I yelled at him. "And don't call me that god dammit!".

"First group..Yuuga Aoyama and Ochako Uraraka", Aizawa said. I heard a couple of people sigh out of relief. "It's like the training we had in the beginning of the year, accept for you don't have a partner. It's one v one combat.
One person will be assigned to be the hero and the other, a villain. If the villain gets hit by the heroes quirk, you lose a life. If the hero gets hit by the villains quirk, then they lose a life. Then you switch roles until one person runs out of lives. You guys each have 3 lives so use them wisely.", Aizawa said as he smirked.

After Aizawa explained, the two in the first group entered the building. "Ready..Set..Go", Aizawa said through a speaker. "Better come up with something quick,Ochako..", I heard Ausui say. "Hmph..", I said quietly. "You alright Bakugou?", Shitty Hair asked me. I wanted to yell at him but I was too busy thinking about who I was going to be partnered with. "Better then ever", I said with a hint of sarcasm.

It's been 15 minutes since those two extras have started there match. Both of them were on their last lives. "C'mon Ochako! You got this!", Ausui yelled. Everyone was cheering the two on. "Gah?!". We all heard Aoyama say through his ear piece. Uraraka grabbed small pieces of rubble and made them float. As Aoyama ran through the hallway, Uraraka released the pieces of rubble, hitting Aoyama.

"Aoyama is down. Uraraka is the winner. "Good job out there Aoyama. You did good!", She said to his as she helped him get up. "T-Thanks. You're pretty strong yourself", Aoyama said. They both walked back to the other building, helping each other out along the way.

"Next team..Denki Kaminari and Momo Yayorozu", Aizawa said. Kaminari and Yayorozu both looked at each other. "Easy. Three rounds is all it will take!", Kaminari said. "The sports festival says otherwise", Yayorozu said to him. Kaminari made an annoyed face. "As if..", He said.

After a few rounds, they finally called my name. "Katsuki Bakugou and Izuku Midoriya", Aizawa said. I started to get heated up. "GOD DAMMIT!", I yelled. Everyone backed up a little bit, scared of what I was going to do next. I looked around for a little bit, trying to find Deku.

I walked toward him as I grabbed his mask, tugging his towards me. "I'll beat you this time..You hear me!?", I yelled at him. He nodded a little bit. I let go of him and walked away. I shoulder checked him, wanting to scare him.
'This is my only chance. I'll prove to him that I'm ahead..Damn Deku!'

Word count: [1048]

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