Chapter 12- Reality..Baka

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Midoriya's POV

"Hurry up and get your stuff, problem child", He scolded. I quickly ran up the stairs and into my room. I emptied everything out of my bag and grabbed a couple pairs of clothes to last me. 'Meet me at the park down the street. I'll check out later..'. Those faint words rang in my head. I wonder what he's planning. I grabbed a blanket, weaving it through my bad strap as I unplugged my charger and phone. I put them in my pocket and headed downstairs. "Hm..You seem a little too happy. What's up with you?", He asked. I blushed a little bit. "I-I just got the butterflies, that's all", I said.

We both walked outside. "All Might?", I asked. Mr. Aizawa sighed. "He'll be taking you home. I should have specified that earlier. Enjoy your small suspension", He said and walked back to the school building. "Young Midoriya..", All Might said with a small glare. I gulped and continued to walk to the car. I opened the door hesitantly and got in. He started up the car and began to drive down the road.

"Your mom specifically told you not to get into anymore trouble-". "I know but my horn is making me feel all sorts of ways..I tried to chop them off one day, but I only chipped it", I said. All Might looked at me suprised, then back at the road. "That's why...", He said. I looked at him confused. He started to explain. "When you have a soul appearance, it balances out your emotions towards your soulmate". The more I thought about it, the more a started to realize that I messed up.

After a couple of minutes, we arrived at my mom's appartment. "Stay out of trouble young Midoriya. I mean it!". I felt like shit after that. "I'll try not to", I said, forcing a smile on my face. I grabbed my stuff and got out of the car. 'I really am an idoit when it comes to reality'

I knocked on the door a couple of times. I heard a lot of shuffling and banging going on in there. I started to get worried as I knocked a little bit louder. A few second later, I hear the door knob turn. "Oh! Izuku", My mom said suprised. She looked tired and her hair was messy. I looked at her, worried about what she was doing. "Are you ok?", I asked in a concern voice. She nodded in response. "Come on and I'll show you what's been going on", She said and walked down the hallway. I followed her as I shut the door behind me, taking off my shoes afterwards.

"Suprise", She said. I looked at the small creature. "Whoa mom where did you get it? And why?", I asked as I picked it up. She smiled a little bit. "Well, since you stay at the dorms and I work after you get off at school, I was thinking that I needed a companion", She explained. "Why a ferret though? Why now a cat", I asked.

She played around with her hair. "I don't want it to smell like cat litter in here so I got a ferret instead. Sure they're hard to manage but it beats not being alone". I smiled a little bit. "Do you have a name for him..Or her?". She nodded. "Not yet. I was thinking maybe you can name her". I looked closely at the ferret. 'It looks kinda fat..', I thought.

Bakugou's POV

-30 Minutes Ago-

"Everyone calm down", Four eyes yelled. "Shut up four eyes", I yelled. He gritted his teeth and walked towards me. I stood up as we both had a stare off. "Whatcha gonna do, four eyes", I said, smirking. "Stop it you two", Kaminari said. He gripped onto his sides. Each hand on the opposite side.

"Knock it off"
"Or I'll expose you Iida"
"Or I'll expose you Bakugou"

Kirishima and Jirou both looked at each other. Iida blushed and looked at the two who were in complete shock. "Wait a damn minute!", I said. I looked over at four eyes, then laughed loudly, covering my mouth afterwards. I looked over at round face, who was in a blushing mess. She started to float, still blushing over the fact that we all found out. "Haha! Deku and I weren't the only ones!...That means..Deku shouldn't have been the only one who got in trouble", I stated. Four eyes and round face looked at each other, then back at me.

"Ok hold up. So you and Midoriya had sexual intercourse together?", Todoroki asked. "And Iida and Uraraka?!", Yaoyorozu said, shocked of the two of them. "Are you guys even soulmates?!", I yelled at him. Four eyes nodded as the two of them showed us there soulmate marks. "Why are they exclamation marks?", Mina asked. Uraraka shrugged, still embarrassed about them knowing about Iida and her. "I don't know. We just woke up with them one day", He explained, still red from earlier.

"I won't frame you four eyes..If". He looked at me as everyone surrounded us. "If what?", He asked. I smirked and whispered in his ear, "If you never speak of this to Mr. Aizawa-..Actually, that goes for the rest of you!", I yelled. Everyone got quiet for a little bit. Four eyes pushed up his glasses hesitantly. "...Understood", He said quietly. I scoffed and smirked, looking at him dead in the eyes. "Say it for the people in the back", I demanded. He cleared his throat and said it louder. "Understood!".

Not even a few seconds later, we all heard footsteps down the hall. "Everyone! Back to your seats", Four eyes said. Everyone scattered to there seats. The door opened, revealing Aizawa. Everyone tried not to look suspicious about what happened. "'s kind of suspicious of you guys to be so quiet..", He said. Everyone's face dropped except for mine. I just gave him a small grin.

"Everyone go to the locker rooms and change into your gym clothes", Aizawa said tiredly. Everyone got out of their seats and went to their lockers to get their bags. I can tell the rest of the day was going to be interesting

-Three Hours Later-

"Hey man. You ok? You were quiet all throughout training. Are you under distress", Shitty hair said to me. I looked at the ground and continued to walk back to the dorms. "Why are you so concerned about it anyways?", I asked. He shook his head out of disappointment and looked up at me. "Because I'm your ally...Allies stick together don't they? If we're going to work together as heroes in the future, we have to know each other's troubles so it won't get in the way of patrolling. So please, tell me what's going on", He explained.

I continued to walk, but stopped and face towards him. "Look Kirishima. I'm not in the mood to talk to you or anyone at the moment.", I said. I felt the butterflies crowd my guts as my pants started to get tighter. "Besides...We got our own stuff to worry about", I said as I started to run back to the building.


[Word Count: 1215]

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