Chapter 9- Restart

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Midoriya's POV

After the incident Kacchan and I were in, we spent a week in the hospital. They're letting us leave today. "Stay safe", The nurse said. I forced a smile on my face as I walked out. "Kacchan!-", I said but got cut off by him covering my mouth. "Shh..You need to learn how to control yourself, especially when someone 'accidentally' scares you" He said as he uncovered my mouth. I took a couple breathers, hoping I would calm down. A couple of seconds later we were walking to campus.

"Sorry for what happened back there..", I said to him nervously. It's kinda weird once you think about it. Kacchan was actually being nice to me! I would usually expect him to make fun of me. "Yknow..Not everything is your fault", He said. I looked at the ground, expecting to get scolded. He ruffled my hair and chuckled a little bit. "Quit being hard on yourself as well", He lectured. I blushed slightly. I can tell we were both going to change each other at some point.

It was currently a Saturday, so we didn't have to walk to the school like usual. Since the both of us were walking from the hospital, they demaned we check back into the dorms. "Hey Deku!", Uraraka said happily. Iida looked over and smiled a little bit, adjusting his glasses. "Hey Bakubro!", Kirishima yelled from the kitchen. "Hey dumb hair", Bakugou said as he hid his arms under his flannel. "I'm guessing you guys worked it out perfectly fine?", Todoroki asked me. I nodded in response.

I walked to my room and laid on my bed. "So tired..", I whispered to myself. I was about to fall asleep when I felt my phone buzz. "Huh..", I groaned quietly. I rubbed my eyes and looked at my phone. "Ugh..", I said as I got up, grabbing a green blanket. I opened my door and walked to Kacchan's room.

Bakugou's POV

"Hurry up Deku", I said to myself. Ever since we got back, I wanted to hang around him a little bit more. I mean, he is my soulmate after all. I heard a small knock on my door. "Come in Deku", I said. He opened the door and smiled slightly. Even when he barely smiles, it gives me the butterflies. "We need to talk..", I said. He looked at me confused. He was probably still tired.

"Look..I need to ask you something..It's not bad..But it's not good either", I said. By the looks of it, he was half asleep. "What are you talking about?", He said tiredely. "What do you see in me..?", I asked. He blushed slightly and rubbed the back of his neck. "W-Well...I guess I never really thought about it...", He said. "I've been mean to you since we were kids, so it wouldn't be surprising if you said something offensive..", I said

We talked for a while. At first it was about what we thought of each other. "No matter how much you tried to avoid me, I always looked up to you. I didn't care if you hated me. One of my goals was to surpass you", He said. I blushed slightly, not wanting to draw attention to myself. "Ever since you enrolled in UA High, You've been closer and closer to catching up. It felt like I was falling to pieces..It's almost like you were hunting me down, like a wolf."

"Wow..I guess I didn't know that..", He said to me. I chuckled. "There's a lot of things that you don't know", I said. He looked at the ground. "I could say the same for you", He said. I looked over at him and acknowledge him. His green hair was faded a little bit. He looks more stressed out and tired. Maybe I wore him out a little too much over the years. His eyes were more dull then I remember.

I looked at every detail of his face as he looked back. We both started to get closer to each other. I kissed him passionately, not wanting to scare him. He wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed back. We both started to heat up a bit. He pulled away as we both panted quietly. "W-Whoa..", He said. I wiped my mouth and looked at him. He blushed a little bit more as he covered his lower face, in shock of what just happened. He chuckled quietly as he hugged me. I gladly hugged back, not wanting to let go...

3rd Person POV

"Maybe Later, Kacchan", Midoriya said. Bakugou nodded as he smirked at him. "Hey love birds! Get down here and eat!!", Kaminari and Sero yelled in sync. The two boys got up and headed down stairs, interlocking their hands together.

"Why'd you say love birds?", Shoji asked. "Oh yeahh...Uhm..Well, you see-", Kaminari was trying to explain but got cut off by Bakugou. "We're soulmates. If you got a problem with it then leave us the hell alone", He said in a mean tone. The people who weren't at the sleep over were confused and surprised. "Ugh, Weird..", Mineta said quietly. Jiro and Todoroki glared at him.

"Of course you would be the one to have an opinion on it, you sick, twisted fuck!", Todoroki snarled back at Mineta. Jiro looked at Todoroki, feeling weight on her shoulders as she gasped quietly. His voice was a little bit lower then usual as his soulmate mark began to glow a faded red color.

Everyone looked at him concerned and scared for what was going to happen. Mineta's face went pale, not knowing how to move. Todoroki stared him down for a little bit, then snapped Mineta off and continued to eat. His soulmate mark stopped glowing as well. It was awkward the rest of the night.

-Smol Time Skip-

As Bakugou was about to go to sleep, he heard a knock on his door. He groaned quietly and got up to answer the door. When he looked out, he seen a green headed boy standing at his door. "Oh..Hey Deku", Bakugou said lazily. Midoriya walked in as he shut the door. "I'm guessing you wanted to talk?", He asked. Midoriya nodded his head.

"My room is too cold..A-And since we're dating now, I was wondering if I could sleep with you..", He asked nervously. Bakugou's face started to get red. "Why the hell not?", He said. They both cuddled for a while, whispering a conversation until they both fell alseep.


[Word Count: 1164]

Hello fellow readers! Sorry for not updating on a weekly basis. I was helping my friend set up her account on this lovely app uwu. Meanwhile, I read your guys comments. You guys made my day 10× better! Thank you guys for being patient. Another chapter should be uploaded the same week as this one. Hope ye enjoy, Peace out! ~Danti

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