Chapter 7- Reconfiguration

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—One Hour Before—

Midoriya's POV

I started to cut my left arm. I overlapped my cuts as I cried silently. I started to cut my right arm as well. The cuts got deeper and deeper as the blood started trickling thicker and thicker. I was angry but sad at the same time. I didn't know what to feel.

Then I got a phone call from Kacchan. I was thinking about answering it, then I pressed accept. "Deku! Fucking stop!", I heard him yell from the other line. I continued to cut myself as I cried harder. "Nggh! I-If you don't stop- Ghh- we're both gonna d-die!", I heard him yelling at me through the phone.

I tried to talk to him but my eye vision and hearing we're getting fuzzy. I dropped the razor as I dropped to the ground, making a loud thud. I heard my mom rush down the hallway and into my room. "Izuku Baby!!!", She yelled as she started to cry. She quickly rushed to call the ambulance. Everything was fading away from me, including my life.
"Can this thing go any faster?!", I heard a lady yell faintly. I opened up my eyes a little bit, then I shut them again as I tried to listen to their conversation. I ended up blanking out again.
I felt my body being transferred from bed to bed. I opened up my eyes again as the nurses and doctors rushed me into a room. As they were rushing me down the hall, I thought I seen Iida. I blanked out after that.
'I'm sorry..Katsuki'

Iida's POV

     <=              Class 1A             Call?

Me: "Guys!"

Astronaut: "What is it

Pikachu: "What's up?"

Me: "It's  about
Midoriya! I seen
him at the  hospital

Rock: "Are you sure?"

Me: "He had messy
green hair. I know
that's him!"

Flex Tape: "Wait.."

Flex Tape: "Iida what are
you doing at the hospital?"

Me: "I was walking
to my brother's room
when I seen Midoriya
on a hospital bed"

Astronaut: "Did you see his

Me: "Unfortunately, no"


"I hope he's ok", I whispered to myself. I continued to walk down the hallway when I seen All Might run towards me. "All Might? What are you doing here?", I asked him. "I don't have time to explain. Where did they take him?", He asked me worried. I looked at him confused, then I realized. "Down the hallway past me", I said. "Thanks Young Iida", He said and ran down the hallway.

     <=              Class 1A             Call?

Me: "I seen All
                Might run down
     the hallway"

Astronaut: "I'm coming over"

Astronaut: "Iida, what floor
                      are you on?"

Pikachu: "Same with me"

Me: "4th floor up"

Astronaut: "Thanks"

Flex Tape: "I'm coming
                      over as well"


I shut off my phone as I walked into my brother's room. "Hey Tensei", I said calmly. "Hey little brother", He said to me. I sat in the chair beside him. "How are you feeling?", I asked him. He looked at the ceiling, resting his body. "Could be better. I know my legs were seriously damaged but geez, I didn't think it would hurt this much", He explained. Both of his legs were currently casted up.

I tapped my finger on the arm of the chair as I thought about Midoriya. 'I hope it's nothing too serious', I thought to myself. "Is there something bothering you?", My brother asked me. "..It's just that..I seen my friend on a hospital bed bandages up", I said. He chuckled a little bit. "You can see him if you want to", He said. I looked at him. "You're really letting me?", I asked him. He nodded. "Run along", He said. I got up and gave him a hug. "Thanks", I said quietly. I let go and left.

Uraraka's POV

Kaminari, Sero, and I rushed inside the hospital. We got registered and rushed to the 4th floor. "I messaged Iida and told him we're here", Sero said. I nodded in response. "Iida wait up!", I said as the three of us caught up to him.

We all walked down the hallway, trying to find Deku's room. "Good thing you were here Iida", Kaminari said to him. "One of these days Midoriya's going to get himself killed", He said. We all stopped talking and thought about it.

Not too long after we met up, we heard someone yelling. "Hey you kids! Get out of the way!", One of the nurses yelled. We all stood against the wall. "What the...", Sero said. As they passed, it looked like Bakugou was on the hospital bed. After they passed by, we all looked at each other. "What the heck is going on?", Kaminari asked. We all shrugged. "First Midoriya, now Bakugou", Iida said concerned.

We all tried to thing of scenario's as to why those two would be here. Then it came to me. 'Bakugou and Deku...They're soulmates!', I thought. Kaminari and I both looked at each other. "Oh no", We both said in sync. Iida and Sero both looked at us confused. "What?", Iida asked. "Well...Yesterday night, we all went to Yayorozu's house..Bakugou and Deku found out that they were soulmates", I said. I tried not to cry.

"It was either Midoriya or Bakugou that did something harmful to themself on purpose", Kaminari said. "Or it could be both for all we know", Someone said. We all jumped and turned around. "Todoroki? What the heck are you doing here?", I asked. He sighed and started to explain. "I seen what you guys said in the group chat. It may not seem like it but I've been paying attention to these two. It would most like have been Midoriya that caused this", Todoroki said.

—Time Skip—

3rd Person POV

While the four of them waited, they came up with ways to figure out what happened and why. "Maybe they got into a fight?", Sero asked. "But what kinda of fight?", Todoroki asked. "An argument?", Kaminari said. "I don't think Deku loses when it comes to arguments", Uraraka said. "Yeah. He won between him and Todoroki", Iida said. Todoroki looked at him. "Was it really necessary for you to bring that up", He said.

"Attention all visitors. Visiting hours are now open to floors 4, 5, and 6". The group got up and walked down the hallway. They checked every room until they found Midoriya's room. "Here it is", Iida said. "Bakugou's room is right across Midoriya", Uraraka said as she peaked through the window.

"Alright. Sero and I are visiting Bakugou. I don't know about you three though", Kaminari said. "I guess us three are visiting Midoriya", Todoroki said. The group separated into different rooms. Little did they know what was going to happen next...


[Word Count: 1133]

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