Chapter 15- Dammit Bakugou!

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3rd Person POV

"Kacchan...Wake up". Bakugou sat up and rubbed his eyes. He then looked around, then at Midoriya. Midoriya smiled at him. Bakugou smiled a little bit and hugged the smaller boy. "It's almost 9 am by the way..", Midoriya whispered as he hugged back. Bakugou pulled away from the hug and looked at his alarm clock. 10 minutes until training starts. "Babe", Bakugou said in a soft voice.

Midoriya can tell this wasn't good so he tried to swallow his fear. "Yes..Kacchan", The greenette responded. Bakugou chuckled a little bit and turned towards the boy sitting next to him. "Why didn't you check up on me sooner?", He asked with a deadly smile. Midoriya started to get scared. "I thought you were awake! I didn't think you would sleep through your alarm", Midoriya said. Bakugou smirked and got up to get his gym clothes from his closet. "Heh, I know. I just like to tease you sometimes", Bakugou said. Midoriya groaned and got up from Bakugou's bed. "I'll wait downstairs", He said and walked out of Bakugou's room. Bakugou growled in response.

After Bakugou got ready, he checked the time and hurried downstairs. "Kacchan! Over here", Midoriya yelled. He was across the room with a couple of other people. Bakugou groaned and walked all the way down to the common area. "Hey Bakubro!", Kirishima yelled. Bakugou glared at Kirishima. "Shut up shitty hair", He snarled. Kirishima giggled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck. Everyone was down here except for Yaoyorozu.

"Everyone should be here right? Other then Tokoyami.", Aizawa said. A couple of people were confused, but understood. "One question before we go. Did everyone wash and sanitize there hands?", Aizawa asked. Everyone nodded and response, scared of what would happen if someone didn't. 'Who wouldn't wash there hands', Bakugou thought.

From that point on, everyone trained from 9 a.m to 5 p.m. Everyone was currently walking from the training kitchen to the dorms. "That was one hell of a work out but I'm still pumped!", Kirishima said. Kaminari agreed. Kaminari started to hum a song. "What are you humming?", Jirou asked. Kaminari looked at her and blushed a little bit. "It's from an anime. I think it's called Boku No Pico?", Kaminari said. Jirou looked at Kaminari, shocked of what she heard. "You watch hentai?", Kirishima said. He was on the urge of laughing.

Kirishima and Jirou both laughed at Kaminari as he was trying to explain himself. Meanwhile, Bakugou and Deku were far behind the others. "Recently I've had the butterflies...I can't explain it but it's like...It doesn't feel bad. I think my body just wants something and it usually happens when I'm around you.", Midoriya explained. He knew what the feeling was and he didn't want to tell Bakugou what it was so he explained it as best as possible. "Hm...I see what you mean. I can't imagine it but I kinda get it".

Bakugou knew what he wanted. That lusty desire for him was too much to handle. Bakugou kept what he knew on the low for now. They both walked into the dorms and got settled in. 'Maybe we can sneak in a quickie?', Bakugou thought. He tried hard to stay cool about it. 'Fuck it. Tokoyami is on the first floor and I'm on the third floor. No one is gonna hear us if I can contain Deku'.

Bakugou grabbed Midoriya's hand and walked towards the stairs. "Kacchan! What are you doing? Don't you wanna eat?", Midoriya asked. He was shooken up. Bakugou continued to was as he held Midoriya's hand tight. "We can eat later. We have some business to take care of", Bakugou said.

After they two boys walked up the stairs to the third floor, Bakugou pushed Midoriya into his room and slammed it closed, locking it as he threw the smaller boy onto the bed. "Don't play dumb with me Deku. You've been beating around the bush haven't you?", Bakugou said with a smirk. Midoriya backed up to the wall by his bed. "It's true, I have been beating around the bush. I didn't want to get in trouble so I tried to keep things under wraps as much as possible", He explained.

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