Chapter 2- Noticed

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Midoriya's POV

"I'll beat you this time...You hear me?!", Kacchan yelled at me. I nodded a little bit. He let go of me and shoulder checked me as he left. I sighed quietly, not wanting to draw attention to anyone. "You got this Deku, I believe in you", Uraraka said to me. I smiled at her as I walked away. "Let's go Bakugou!", Kirishima yelled. "Do your best you two", Yayorozu said

We both walked on different sides of the building. I started to think of a stragety so I don't go down so easily. 'Alright Izuku, what are the three things that got Kacchan down the first couple of fights we had', I thought to myself. 'I know I can't go a floor higher then him or he'll explode from the ground up. So 1, stay on low ground'.

"Alright you two. Ready?...Set...Go", Aizawa said through the speaker. I started to wander around the first floor and onto the second floor. "Where are you Deku?!?!", I heard Kacchan yell. I started to analyze where he could have been. "Sounded like it came from the top, which gives me an advantage. After all, I do play the villain in this Scenario..".

A couple of minutes has past, still no sign of Kacchan. I started to find ways to lure him in. "I could make some loud noises", I whispered to myself. I then started to break the glass with my quirk. Then I remembered, 'I can't use my quirk otherwise my soulmate marks show', I thought to myself.

"Found you! You nerd!", Kacchan yelled. 'I got no time to think!', I thought to myself. I activated my quirk at 10%, not wanting to hurt myself. I started to jump from wall to wall as fast as I could. Kacchan tried to hit me countless times, but missed. I jumped behind him and kicked him into the wall.

"Round 2. Midoriya, three lives, Bakugou, 2 lives.", Aizawa said through both of our ear pieces. I smiled a little bit and took off running to the first floor again. "Dammit you damn nerd!!!", I heard Kacchan yell.

Bakugou's POV

"Dammit you damn nerd!!!", I yelled. I got up and started to look for him. "Ohh Deku!", I yelled again. I started to explode every wall I came across. I went to the first floor. I pulled the trigger on my gauntlet and exploded the stairs on the first 2 floors. "You can't hide forever Deku!", I said. I smirked and broke each wall until I finally found him.

I walked toward him and grabbed him by his mask again, smirking. The smoke finally cleared as I looked at him closer. 'What the?!', I said mentally. His soulmate mark was half of a yin yang. He also had black horns that blended in with his hair. He opened his eyes. They were glowing a bright green.

He used his quirk and punched me. I stumbled back as I let go of him. "Ughh!". I groaned loudly, rubbing my eyes. "Round 3. Midoriya, three lives. Bakugou, one life", Aizawa said.

I started to make small explosions. My horns started to get bigger and my eyes started to glow as well. I started to look around for him. "Deku you extra!", I yelled. I can see him through the ceiling as I made an explosion.

"Gah!", I heard him say. He fell through the ground, laying there for a little bit. I grabbed him again as I made a small explosion, sending him flying towards a wall. He broke through the wall, still laying there. Not too long after that, he got up.

"Round 4. Midoriya, two lives. Bakugou, one life", Aizawa said. I started to chuckle as I jumped to the second floor and up to the third floor. 'Two more lives and he's down!', I thought to myself. I continued to wait for him to find me.

3rd Person POV

"Dammit", Midoriya said. He got up and continued to look for Bakugou, who was no where to be seen. He jumped up to the second floor and starting to sneak around. He felt something staring at him as he looked up. "Hm..", he said.

He continued to look around on the second floor, still nothing. He then jumped up to the third floor. "Gotcha!", Bakugou yelled as he made an explosion. Midoriya quickly dodged and tries to kick but missed. Bakugou went at Midoriya with another explosions and missed again. "Grr", He groaned.

Midoriya kicked him with 15% of his power, sending both of them out the window. Midoriya grabbed Bakugou by the collar of his costume. They both had tears of anger in their eyes. The aurora around them became orange and green for a split second.

Midoriya looked at Bakugou's neck, looking at his soulmate mark. He felt a sharp pain on his neck but ignored it. Midoriya punched Bakugou to the ground. He landed on the ground as he looked at Bakugou, who was laying on the ground.

"Both of you guys are out of bounds, which leads to both of you guys losing a life.", Aizawa announced. "Bakugou is down. Midoriya is the winner.", He said through the speaker. Midoriya barely got up, looking around. His body was suffering from minor injuries, same goes for Bakugou.

-30 minutes later-

Bakugou was currently unconscious after the fight he and Midoriya had. "I wonder when he's gonna wake up", Kaminari said. Sero shrugged. Bakugou groaned quietly. "Everyone back up", Aizawa said. Everyone did so as Bakugou woke up. "W-What the hell..", He said quietly.

He looked at everyone, then at Midoriya. His horns perfectly blended in with his hair, but still visible. Then he looked at his neck. 'Half a yin yang? But that's..', Bakugou thought to himself. He looked away and sat up from his bed. "Recovery girl pretty much healed you when you were unconscious. You should be fine by tomorrow", Aizawa said.

The bell rang not too long after Bakugou woke up. "Hope you feel better man", Kirishima said as everyone walked out. "Deku..", Bakugou said. Midoriya turned around. "Y-Yes Kacchan?", He asked.

Midoriya walked towards him. Bakugou grabbed him by the collar of his uniform. "Stop trying to hide the fact that you have a soulmate mark", Bakugou said. Both of there soulmate marks began to glow, but neither of them noticed. He let go of the smaller boy. "Get out..", Bakugou said. Midoriya left without a sound

[Word Count: 1089]

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