Chapter 18- Bored

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Midoriya's POV

Kaminari looked at me shocked. "How did you figure it out so easily?!", He said quietly. I shrugged and sealed my eyes shut. It felt like he was going to do something, but he only sighed. "Please keep this a secret Midoriya I'm begging you!", Kaminari said as he put both of his hands on my shoulders. I nodded in response. "Your secret is safe with me, but there's something I want to state our before you make any mistakes". Kaminari was all ears for once. "Be careful when you're around him. Remember what happened to Todoroki and Yaoyorozu? I'm sure the same can happen to you. I'm surprised it didn't glow when it did.", I said.

Kaminari looked over at Kirishima nervously. He sighed and put a hand behind his neck. "I can't ignore him! He's my best friend", He said. "Then I guess you don't have a choice but to tell em", Kacchan said. Kaminari and I both jumped at Kacchan's sudden appearance. "How long have you been standing there?!", Kaminari questioned like his life depended on it. Kacchan scoffed and opened the fridge door. "Long enough to know Kirishima's your soulmate", He said with a chuckle at the end. Kaminari groaned and left the kitchen. "I'll just go tell him. There's no point in avoiding it", He said. I smiled and watched him walk away. "Good luck", I said.

Kacchan stood beside me as he started to eat whatever was in the bowl. "I thought Kirishima's marks were gone", He said. I watched the two boys interact with each other. I can tell Kaminari was struggling, but he eventually told him. "Fated marks", I said. Kacchan groaned and continued to eat. I looked at him and noticed he was eating Todoroki's soba. "Kacchan! That's Todoroki's soba!", I said. Kacchan swallowed the soba and laughed. "I know. Someone took my spicy noodles so I just grabbed whatever looked good", He said with a devil like smirk.

Soon after, I seen Todoroki walking down the hall. I tapped Kacchan's shoulder and pointed towards the common area. He looked at Todoroki and put down his chopsticks, slurping up what was left in the bowl. Todoroki was talking to Kirishima while Kacchan and I quickly walked passed the group. Kacchan started laughing as I ran up the stairs. I opened Kacchan's door and sighed, relieved that neither of us got caught. "You...D-Dumbass", I said quietly. Kacchan grunted and smirked. "What was that?", He said as he moves closer. "You dumbass!", I said a bit louder. He laughed and ruffled my hair. "We need to stop hanging out. I'm slowly taking your innocence away", Kacchan said as he layed on his bed.

I growled a little bit and sat beside him. "Like I had any innocence to begin with. If anything, Todoroki is more clueless then I am", I snarled quietly. Kacchan roughly grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him, attacking my neck with kisses. I started to giggle as I tried getting out of his grip. He stopped and let go of me. "Stop being so salty, nerd", He said as he layed back down, smirking a little bit. I crossed my arms and sat there.

I then grabbed my phone and checked my messages. 'All Might...Oh no'. I got up quickly and headed towards the door. Kacchan sat up and looked at me confused. "Her dork! Where are you going?!", He yelled. I quickly opened up the door and yelled, "I gotta go train with All Might!". I started to run down the hallway and into the elevator, pressing floor 1. After I got out of the elevator, I ran into my room and grabbed my gym clothes out of my wardrobe, quickly getting changed as I ran down stairs and out the door.

3rd Person POV

While Midoriya was training, Bakugou was left with nothing to do. Midoriya was only gone for 5 minutes and Bakugou was already bored. He groaned and got up. "I guess I can hang out with those idiots", He said to himself. The blonde got up and grabbed his black shirt with a skull and a pair of grey sweats. He grabbed a pair of white socks and got dressed. Shortly after, he headed down to the common room. Today was the weekend so they didn't have to do anything...Well, anyone but Midorya of course.

"Aye! There's our little angry pomeranian!", Kaminari yelled. Bakugou growled and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. "I swear to fucking satan I will obliterate your face!", He yelled. Kaminari nervously smiled and put his hands up. "I-It was just a joke dude". Bakugou let him go and scoffed. The rest of the group began to talk while Bakugou stood there. '...I wish that damn nerd was here', Bakugou thought. He shook his thought out of his head and listened to everyone else talk and laugh.

Bakugou groaned and decided to get something to drink. "Hey Bakugou, do you know who took my soba?", Todoroki asked. Bakugou tried hard not to laugh but managed to talk normally. "Uh..No? Why would I know? You honestly think I pay attention to anyone?!", Bakugou yelled. Todoroki sighed and closed the fridge door. Bakugou can tell Todoroki was upset, but grinned as soon as he walked away. 'Stupid half and half bastard'.

A couple of hours have passed since Midoriya left to train with All Might. Bakugou layed on the couch and groaned. Kirishima approached Bakugou and sat down in the chair beside him. "Hey Bakubro!", He said. Bakugou didn't bother to look at him. He responded with a small groan. "Where's lover boy?", Sero teasingly said. Bakugou blushed and covered his eyes with his arm. "He went with someone to go train", Bakugou said. Bakugou grabbed one of the couch cushions and groaned loudly. "I mean, if you're really that bored, you can play hide and seek with us", Kaminari suggested. Bakugou threw the couch cushion at him and got up. "No way. You guys suck", He said as he walked away. The others looked at him and shrugged. "I'm taking a nap. My room if out of bounds!", He yelled as he got in the elevator.

Bakugou sighed and flopped himself onto his bed. He groaned and changed into some shorts. "I wish Deku was here...", He said, and with that, Bakugou slowly started to fall asleep as he was lost in his thoughts about his love...


[Word Count: 1088]

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