Chapter 16- Top? No...Unless [NSFW]

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3rd Person POV

"Our own class president!", Kaminari yelled. Jirou quickly covered Kaminari's mouth and pointed one of her ear jacks towards Bakugou's room. Kaminari nodded and whispered, "How did you know it was them in that bathroom". Kirishima rolled over and groaned. "I just so happened to observe who was all eating", He said. Kaminari was confused but kind of understood what he was saying. Jirou sighed. "Why is it always them four getting caught by us?", Jirou asked. Kirishima and Kaminari shrugged. "Oh well. There's nothing we can do about it."


Bakugou had Midoriya pinned down onto his bed. "Face down. Ass up", He demanded. Midoriya did as he was told, how obedient. "Now. I need you to be quiet this time ok baby~?", Bakugou whispered into Midoriya's ear. Midoriya nodded and covered his mouth. Bakugou slammed himself into the greenette, groaning quietly and he did so. The fluffy haired boy bit his lip and kept quiet. They were both aware that Kirishima and a couple of others were in his room so they had to be quiet.

"Mhh..". Midoriya would moan and groan quietly into his hands. Bakugou gripped onto Midoriya's horns as he thrusted slowly. The two of them were both a blushing mess. Bakugou leaned down and whispered into his ear, "Naughty boy~". Midoriya blushed even harder then he was before. "Harder..~" Midoriya whispered. Bakugou smirked and slammed himself into Midoriya repeatedly. Midoriya let out quiet moans and grunts. He was in pure bliss at this point. "Kacchan~ I-I'm gonna..~ I-", Midoriya managed to say. He gripped onto the bed sheets and came onto the bed. Bakugou stopped and pulled out. "Suck~".

Midoriya barely managed to get Bakugou's member all the way in his mouth. He began to move his head back and forth, swirling his tongue around his length a couple of times. Bakugou had his hands on Midoriya's head, moaning quietly. He couldn't take it anymore. The pleasure was too much for him to handle. Bakugou began to face fuck Midoriya. "Get ready Izu~", Bakugou said with a smirk. He thrusted a couple more times and came inside Midoriya's mouth. The boy took Bakugou's length out of his mouth and swallowed his cum. He panted quietly and licked the cum from the side of his mouth.

"I don't think I'm gonna be able to walk tomorrow if we do it again", Midoriya whispered. Bakugou chuckled and layed beside him, pulling the covers over the two of them as he did so. "I wouldn't have been able to go another round anyways...Although~", He said. Midoriya looked at him and blushed. "..Kacchan...What are you doing?", Midoriya said. Bakugou got on top of Midoriya and pinned him. "Since you try to act all high and mighty in front of everyone else..Why don't you try to top me for once?", Bakugou snarled. He smirked and layed back down.

Midoriya quickly got on top of the bigger male and pinned his arms above his head. "You think I can't top you?~", Midoriya said. He grinned and attacked Bakugou's neck with kisses and nibbles, leaving small marks every where. Bakugou tried hard not to moan, but failed. This went on for about 5 minutes before Midoriya got up and pulled Bakugou towards him. "Since you can't seem to get me being a top in your head, I won't prep you~", He said. Bakugou panted quietly.

The smaller boy then thrusted his member inside Bakugou as hard and deep as he can go. Bakugou quickly covered his mouth as tears were streaming down his face. Midoriya leaned down and kissed him passionately. "Sorry~ guess I should have gone a bit slower~", He whispered inside the blonde boy's ear. Bakugou grunted and moaned quietly in pain. "Y-You think..~".

After about 2 minutes later, they figured Kirishima wasn't in his room. Midoriya grabbed Bakugou by the waist and started to thrust. "Oh my..~ I can tell you've never done it like this before~ considering that you're tight~", Midoriya cooed. Bakugou blushed and moaned quietly. S-Shut up n-nerd~ mhh~", Bakugou groaned. They both were moaning messes. "I can tell you've never topped anyone~ ah~ y-your thrusts are sloppy~", Bakugou said with a smirk. Midoriya stopped and pulled out, leaning closer towards the spikey haired boy. "If you think my thrusts are sloppy then why don't you just ride me~?", Midoriya teased. Bakugou sat up and blushed. The smaller boy smirked and raised an eye brow. "You up to it~?", He asked. Bakugou nodded and got up.

Midoriya grabbed a chair and sat down. Bakugou groaned and lined himself up. He slammed himself onto Midoriya's length and bit his lip, letting his legs tremble a little bit. Midoriya moved his hand towards Bakugou's member as he bit onto his ear lobe. "Ghh~! W-What the hell~", Bakugou grunted. Midoriya chuckled and let go of his ear. "Move for me will ya~?". Bakugou did as he was told and moved up and down on Midoriya's erection. Midoriya grabbed onto his waist for support as he moaned and grunted quietly. "At this r-rate~ I think I might c-cum~", He said. They were both in pure pleasure and bliss. Bakugou moved a bit faster as Midoriya stroked Bakugou's member. "A-Ahh~ Just like that~", Midoriya whispered. Bakugou slammed himself onto Midoriya as they both came. Midoriya stroked Bakugou's length a couple more times. He then stopped and looked at his hand. He licked the cum off his hands as Bakugou got up. Midoriya quickly got up and wrapped his arms around him. "That's quite a mess you made~", He cooed.

-Ah yes, a classic time skip-

After a few more minutes, the two of them got dressed into something comfortable and layed down. They began to talk to each other as if nothing happened. "So you still have homework?", Bakugou asked. Midoriya nodded. "Only a couple of pages but that's about it", He said. Bakugou was about to speak but then he heard Midoriya's stomach growl. The greenette grabbed his stomach, and nervously smiled. "Oh yeah, we didn't eat yet...", Midoriya said. Bakugou blushed lightly and rubbed the back of his neck. "You're gonna have to go alone...I don't think I'm gonna be able to walk", He said. Midoriya looked at him, then giggled. "That's ok. I won't say a word about you", Midoriya said.

He then got up and left Bakugou's room, going down the stairs to get something from the kitchen. "Hey Midoriya! You wanna play truth or dare with us?", Mina asked. I shook my head as a response. "Not this time Mina. Sorry", Midoriya said. He continued to walk across the common area to the kitchen. "Midoriya. Where were you?", Todoroki asked. I giggled as I grabbed a bowl of katsudon. "I was upstairs sleeping. Today's training kinda of wore me out so I decided to sleep.", He said. Todoroki and Midoriya talked for a little bit. They both said there goodbyes as Midoriya went back upstairs.

"Dang it! I forgot Kacchan's spicy noddles"

Hellow! :3 i know I'm not writing as much as I use to so I wrote a full 8 long paragraphs of NSFW ^^; (I probably won't write smut anymore) also, idk how to end the story •~• anyways- I'll stop wasting your time

[Word Count: 1126]

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