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"okay, if you're gonna stay here, we need to lay some ground rules."

soobin sat quietly with his hands neatly placed in his lap, as he watched yumi pace the small width of her living room.

as if a magic lightbulb went off in her head, yumi quickly ran down the hall, disappearing into her bedroom. she reappeared a mere 30 seconds later, a notepad and pen clutched tightly in her grasp. plopping down on the couch next to soobin, she quickly scribbled a title, then holding it up his face.

leaning back a bit so he could get a better look, soobin furrowed his eyebrows at the, somehow still, neat writing, "rules for cupid?" yumi nodded, beginning to jot down the first one with him reading over her shoulder, "absolutely NO eating your food? it's that serious?"

not even turning to look at the incredulous expression he had, yumi nodded, "food is my most prized possession. so if it says my name on it, don't eat it, okay?"

noting how serious she was, soobin nodded, "got it."

"number two: do not come into my room without knocking. ever. and last, but not least, you need to get a job. like, as soon as possible."

looking over the small set of rules, soobin gave her one last nod of approval, also shooting her a thumbs up. with a cheeky grin, he nudged her arm slightly, "don't worry, i'll be a great roommate!"

ignoring him, yumi checked her watch, which told her that it was fast approaching 9:30 pm. heaving a sigh as she stood up, yumi turned to soobin, "be up and ready by 8:00 am, okay? we're going job-searching."


the girl turned to look at him through her short, black hair, an airy giggle, that was like music to his ears, escaping from her mouth.

"who are you?" she laughed that majestic laugh again, and turned away before soobin could get a good look at her face. "wait! don't go!"

"i'm not going anywhere, soobin." the sound of his name rolling off of her tongue like silk was just as euphoric as the giggle that followed suit. with a new-found confidence, he reached forward to intertwine his fingers with her own.

"say my name again," he looked at the back of her head, hoping he could hear that beautiful voice once more.

"soobin," slowly, her head began to turn toward him, as he felt his heart race in excitement. "soobin, soobin, soobin." each time she said his name, the moment she would reveal her identity came closer and closer. "soobin!"

"SOOBIN!" he shot up from the couch just as a pillow slapped him right in the face. "I told you to be ready by 8, and it's 7:45."

blinking a bit more, soobin looked at yumi, who stared back at him in obvious irritation. taking in her outfit, he shook his head a bit, all black? didn't the emo phase end in 2009?

rolling her eyes, yumi resumed getting her things together, "time is ticking," she warned, walking back down the hall towards her room again.

STUPID CUPID ✶ choi soobinWhere stories live. Discover now