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"so you're telling me that the freak in your bathrobe is not your boyfriend?"

yumi nodded in relief, happy that he understood, "yes, exactly."

"are you sure?" taehyun tilted his head as he peered around the corner at soobin, who sat on the couch as he watched tv, "i mean, friends don't wear your bathrobe, or only walk around in boxers in your home."

"he's only been here for a few days," yumi dismissed her brother's assumptions with a wave of her hand, "he'll leave not too long after you─" soobin's loud laugh interrupted her, causing the two that were seated at the table to turn their heads towards the culprit who continued to happily watch the television.

unconvinced, taehyun sniggered quietly, "he seems much too comfortable to have only been here for a few days."

"okay, the point is that you can't tell dad he's here. got it?"

the younger sibling crossed his arms, his lips slowly drawing up into the smirk that yumi knew so well, "what's in it for me?"

"i'll tell dad that you were the one who broke mom's vase."

his smirk remained the same as he leaned back in his chair, "if i tell dad you're living with a man, do you really think he'd care about that old ass vase?"

"i've been gone from home for a year, but i still see you're the same old brat," yumi scoffed as she flicked a piece of hair from her eye, "what do you want?"

"i haven't decided yet," standing up, taehyun stretched, before patting his older sister on the shoulder, "good talk, sis." with that, taehyun retreated down the hall, leaving yumi alone at the table.


checking the watch on his wrist, soobin sighed at the time. "7pm already?" after unlocking the door to the apartment, he stepped in and swapped his shoes for his house slippers, "yumi? i'm home."

"she's not here."

turning his head, soobin looked into the kitchen to see taehyun staring back at him, "well, where did she go?"

"the library at her school; she said something about getting some extra studying in."

soobin quickly turned around, beginning to put his shoes back on, which caused taehyun to furrow his eyebrows, "where are you going?"

"she'll probably end up staying there until it closes, so i thought i'd bring her some coffee─"

taehyun dismissed his idea quickly, "don't even bother."

"why?" soobin thought that yumi would appreciate if he brought something like that, and that it'd show just how thoughtful he really was.

"yumi hates coffee and tea, even though she walks around like a zombie half the time," taehyun pointed around the kitchen to try and further his point, "i mean, haven't you noticed there isn't a coffee machine in here? isn't it odd that a sleep-deprived college student doesn't have one of those?"

soobin nodded, glad that he was being told this information, "what does she like then?"

"hot chocolate and energy drinks: the true way to her heart."

soobin quickly slid on his shoes, "thank you, taehyun!"

taehyun chuckled quietly to himself after watching soobin run back out of the apartment, "and she said he's not her boyfriend."


the library was quiet; something yumi didn't get very often these days. there were a few other students who were trying to get some studying in, just as she was. 

yumi was alone, but this was oddly the way she liked it. solitude had always been a friend rather than a foe to her. she hadn't always been that way, but from a young age she learned that if you were the one who chose to be alone, then when people left it wouldn't hurt as much.

flipping the page in her book, yumi saw that she received a text.

from: wooyoung :)
where are you?

from: yumi <3
the library

sighing, she turned the screen off, going back to her book. biting her lip, she let her mind drift from the words on the page. i wonder what soobin is doing. shaking her head, yumi lightly slapped her cheeks. why are you worrying about him? 

after a few moments of trying to study again, her mind drifted back to the events that occurred that morning. yumi began to chuckle when she thought about how ridiculous soobin looked. i wish i would've taken a picture. she found herself smiling fondly as she relived the moment when he came back into their apartment with that eye-smile and those dimples of his. "cute."

"what's cute?"

with wide eyes, yumi watched as soobin plopped down in the seat in front of her. this seemed to snap the girl out of her thoughts, as she began to fan her face, "nothing, it's uh- nothing-"

"i brought this," he paused momentarily as he placed a paper cup in front of her, "and this," he placed a can of red bull right beside the first drink.

yumi smiled, taking a drink of the hot chocolate, "thanks."

soobin only smiled, his hands under his chin as he watched her enjoy the things he brought for her.

"why are you watching me like that?"

"sorry, your beauty is just so captivating that i can't seem to look away."

soobin's words seemed to have poor timing, as yumi was just in the middle of taking a sip of her hot chocolate. not only did his sudden confession make her spit her hot chocolate out, but it made her spill the hot beverage all the way down her shirt.

"ah, hot!" yumi cried out, pulling on the black fabric of her t-shirt to keep it off her skin. within 30 seconds, soobin ran to the bathroom and had come back with some paper towels to help her clean up the mess he had caused. "it's okay, i can get it," yumi insisted, but soobin continued to pat the edges of her shirt in an effort to clean her up. "i said i can get it─"

yumi's sentence cut short when she noticed that she had grabbed his hand in her's. the two stared at each other, the feeling forming in the pit of both their stomachs quite unfamiliar, yet warm.

but outside the window of the library stood wooyoung, who's stomach was feeling anything but warm. he felt almost sick as he watched their new feelings blossom right before him. looking down at the cup of hot chocolate that he held in his hand, wooyoung let his head drop down for a moment. taking a few steps back, wooyoung looked into the window once more. 

yumi's cheeks were red, as she was obviously flustered, and soobin adorned a shy smile.

tossing the drink into the garbage, wooyoung walked away, wishing he could burn the image of their eyes meeting out of his mind.

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