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yumi had been sitting on the floor of her living room, the lights dimmed as she watched her tv intently, though her mind was focused elsewhere. on the screen of the tv, a fireplace was shown, its flames whirling so tenderly that it almost felt real.

today was the day she would tell soobin. but she had no clue how to go about it. in the back of her mind, she subconsciously knew that, in reality, she didn't want to do it at all. that's why she was procrastinating.

"what are you doing?"

yumi's head snapped towards the entrance to the hallway, where soobin was leaning against the wall. biting her lip, she shook her head, "it's- it's nothing."

soobin nodded, taking the hint that she probably wanted to be left alone. but as he turned away, he was shocked to hear her call his name. "yes?"

"can we.. talk?"

hearing those ominous words that every man dreads hearing from a woman, soobin felt his heartbeat spike as he walked to sit next to her on the floor, "sure."

"i-" she sighed, while tugging her lower lip between her teeth.

"what is it?"

yumi stared ahead at the tv, the light of the flames casted on her face. soobin couldn't help but take in the beauty that was next to him. before he knew it, he was reaching out towards her. slowly, he tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear, causing her wide eyes to meet his that were filled to the brim with adoration. "pretty."

"i love you."

now it was soobin's turn to be shocked at the confession that fell quickly from her mouth.

gulping down her nerves, yumi continued to stare soobin in the eyes, "i love you, choi soobin." he continued to stare, speechless. "i really do."

he knew that her feelings were growing for him. it could be easily seen. but he didn't know that she would confess this quickly. he hadn't planned for it, as he assumed she would continue to hold back. with this assumption, he also assumed that he could stay with her longer. but it now seemed that both of those inferences were wrong.

"say something. anything, please," yumi pleaded, the silence almost choking her.

he bit his lip slightly to stop the sob that wanted to escape his mouth. with the light of the fire just barely illuminating his face, yumi could make out the tears pooling in his eyes.

"me too."

"why can't you say it?"

soobin turned away, while wiping the tears that had managed to fall.

"please, just say it back."

soobin finally turned to look at her, the girl he loved, who's cheeks were wet from the freshly-fallen tears. staring into her sad eyes, he shook his head, "please don't make me.. i don't want to leave you, not this soon."

"please, soobin," she closed her eyes, this is what's best for you.

a gasp lept from yumi as he delicately grabbed her face in his hands. pulling her closer, soobin brought their lips together in a kiss full of passion. with their hearts beating wildly, like the flapping wings of a newborn hummingbird, their lips moved in sync as they performed a forbidden kiss. a kiss sprouted from star-crossed lovers, and a romance that was never meant to be.

pulling away, soobin placed his forehead onto her's, their heavy breaths in sync as they stared into each other's eyes.

"i love you, kang yumi."

a blinding light slowly started to envelope soobin, causing yumi to squeeze her eyes shut. feeling the touch of lips on her forehead, yumi's eyes popped open again, only to realize that no one was there.

she could still feel the touch of his hands on her cheeks, where they were only a moment ago.

yumi was all alone once again, just as she wished a few months ago when soobin first stumbled into her life.

they say becareful what you wish for, but yumi had never thought twice about that statement until that very moment where her heart felt like it'd been torn to shreds.

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