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opening her eyes just slightly, yumi was immediately blinded by the sun that poured in through her window. on instinct she tried to bring her hand up to cover her eyes, but something was holding tightly onto it. looking down, yumi's eyes widened when she realized it was soobin who was gripping onto her hand. his head was laid against the side of her bed, as he slept with his legs in a criss-crossed position.

did he sleep like this the whole night? immediately, guilt began to eat at her. his back probably hurts, i should wake him up. but as she went to poke his shoulder, he moved slightly, causing her to freeze in motion. with a raised eyebrow, she inspected his sleeping face, her eyes slowly trailing over his noteably handsome features. his pinchable cheeks, his boopable nose, his kissable lips-

yumi lightly slapped her cheek with her free hand, waking herself up from the minor daydream she had just obsorbed herself within, "hey, are you crazy?" she whisper-yelled at herself, "pft, me and soobin?" she looked back down at him, her lip tugged gently between her teeth, "no, never. i could never fall for someone like him anyways-"

her words were cut short when soobin gripped her hand a bit tighter, his lips pursed enough that his dimples began to show. "kang yumi," he mumbled quietly, his eyes still shut tight. "i like you."

gulping, she immediately pulled her hand away from his. she blinked rapidly, while looking around the room to avoid looking at him. "just pretend you didn't hear that," yumi decided, before harshly poking his shoulder, "hey, wake up."

jolting awake, soobin looked around yumi's room in confusion, before realizing where he was. while rubbing the remaining sleep from his eyes, he smiled up at yumi, "good morning."

yumi stood from her bed, offering soobin a half-hearted smile as she slipped on her house shoes. "um, i've got something to do today, so i'll get ready first." with that, yumi scurried out of the room and into the bathroom across the hall.

soobin's eyes followed after her as he raised an eyebrow, "wonder what's gotten into her." he shrugged, before starting to get up from his position on the floor. "ah," he groaned, "my back."


while getting ready, though there really was no reason to as yumi had nothing planned, yumi received a text from wooyoung, asking her to meet up. responding with a quick 'sure,' yumi set her phone down so she could finish brushing her teeth.

after about ten more minutes, yumi finally came out of the bathroom with her short hair tied back into low-pigtail braids and her usual all-black attire. 

"you look pretty," soobin grinned at her from his spot at the breakfast bar, as he ate his cereal.

"but i didn't do anything different today," yumi kept her eyes on the floor as she walked towards the door, trying her best to ignore her burning cheeks.

soobin kept his boyish grin as he too got up to put his shoes on. yumi only watched as he slipped off his slippers to put on his sneakers, her eyes widening when he stood to his full height above her. leaning down, soobin ruffled her hair slightly, said, "you look pretty everyday," and then left the apartment without another word.

she visibly gulped, her eyes remaining on the closed door he had walked through moments before. after a few seconds, yumi tried to get ahold of herself by lightly slapping her face, "just pretend it didn't happen," she mumbled while closing and locking her apartment door behind herself. 

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