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"knock, knock."

looking up from the table she was wiping down, yumi met eyes with her younger brother. "what are you doing here?"

feigning an offended attitude, taehyun gasped, "i can't come to visit my dear sister, whom i love so much, in my free time?"

"no, you can't," yumi deadpanned as she walked behind the counter to the sink so she could rinse her rag, "so why are you really here?"

blowing out an exaggerated amount of air, taehyun sat down on a stool, also propping his feet up on the counter, "i was bored, and this city is so big..."

the black-haired girl flicked his ear as she moved past him, also smacking his legs off the counter she had just cleaned, "get to the point please."

"i was wondering if you could take me somewhere; i mean, i'm dying over here!" taehyun explained, making sure to be dramatic enough that his older sister would understand just how bored he really was, "your apartment is dull, i don't know anyone else here," he paused, causing yumi to look at him to keep going, but the boy just shrugged, "i'm out of reasons."

"listen, taehyun," yumi placed her hand on his shoulder, her lips pursed as she got prepared to lay out the truth for him, "i live somewhere called the real world. i know, a foreign term for someone like you, right?" she laughed quietly to herself when he pushed her hand off his shoulder and crossed his arms, "reality is, i'm working to support myself. i don't get to stop and do things as i please just for the hell of it."

due to her more serious tone, taehyun decided to drop his plan, a plan to beg her until she said yes, and instead came up with a new idea, "what about your boyfriend- i mean, soobin? he's free, right?"

"soobin is too busy, plus he doesn't know his way around too well, either."

"it seems like he's got enough time, seeing as he's always following you or watching tv," taehyun mumbled to himself while playing with his fingers.

"what was that?"

"oh- nothing─" just then, the bell above the door rung, signalling someone's entrance. the two turned to see a girl coming in, her bright smile lighting up the room in seconds. taehyun's wide eyes watched her walk towards them as his mouth unconsciously gaped open.

"hi," she greeted, before walking behind the counter and into the back room to get her apron.

"w-who is she?" taehyun asked, finally snapping out of his mini spell as soon as she wasn't in the room anymore.

pointing behind herself, yumi's brow quirked in curiosity, "her? that's song ami, a part-timer."

"i want her to show me around."

"but she has a boyfriend─"

pulling out his phone, taehyun quickly pulled up his father's contact and began to write a message, "dad, you'll never guess what i found out while staying with yumi. her roommate is actually a man, and it turns out that the man has feelings for─"

pulling his phone from his hands, yumi deleted the message, before setting it back down in front of him, "fine." she grumbled to herself as she walked into the back room to find ami. as soon as i get dirt on him, he's dead meat. as she pushed open the door, yumi greeted the younger girl, "hi." when the girl smiled in acknowledgement, she continued, "listen, my brother is new to this part of seoul, so- uh, if you don't mind, could you show him around? i'll cover your shift for today, but still give you the money."

contemplating the offer for only a moment, ami nodded, "sure! what does he like to do?"

"games and parks and arcades, stuff like that."

"oh, okay! how old is he?" ami asked, beginning to untie her apron.

chuckling sheepishly, yumi rubbed her arm, "uh.. seventeen."

the younger girl turned around, her eyebrows furrowed, "wait, he's older than me?" yumi nodded, watching as the perplexed girl shrugged, "well, i guess there's no harm in showing someone around. okay, i'll do it."

yumi's small smile grew, the girl happy that her secret was going to be kept, "thanks, i owe you one."

ami walked past her and back out into the cafe. "is this him?" she pointed to taehyun, who only continued to stare at her, a look in his eyes that yumi had never seen before. yumi nodded her head, so ami faced him, "ready to go, then?"

taehyun nodded, beginning to follow after her in a sort of dream-state. making sure that ami couldn't see, yumi smacked taehyun on the arm, mouthing 'hey, you better not make any trouble, okay?'

taehyun nodded, his fingers making an 'okay' sign, as he hurriedly followed after the shorter girl.

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