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"enjoy the rest of your day!" yumi called after the customers who had just left, her smile immediately dropping after they were out of sight. with a rag in hand, she walked towards the, now vacant, table, beginning to wipe it down.

it didn't take long for her mind to drift back to the events that had occurred earlier that morning.

with a yawn, yumi rolled over in her bed, her arms stretched above her head as she tried to get rid of the sleep still in her body.

"good morning, beautiful," soobin greeted from his position on the side of her bed. he was sitting with his legs crisscrossed, and a smile on his face.

"ah!" yumi screamed, flopping over and falling off on the other side. she quickly sat back up, her glare immediately being set on soobin, "what the hell are you doing in here?"

"i just wanted to see you," he pouted, before letting his grin pop back up on his face, "yumi, let's go get breakfast together!"

standing up, she found her slippers, and slipped them on before walking towards their shared bathroom in the hallway. she scratched her head, pulling the cup out of the medicine cabinet that held her toothbrush and toothpaste, "why?"

"why wouldn't i want to go get breakfast with you?" soobin leaned on the door frame, just as she began to brush her teeth, "i mean, isn't it normal to want to do things with the one you like?"

and just like that, yumi spat toothpaste all over the mirror, with an utter look of horror set on her face. "it's not cool to joke around like that!" she turned to scold him, a finger pointed at his face.

"who says i'm joking?" he chuckled, taking a step closer to her. yumi took a step back, just as he took another step forward.

"w-what are you doing?"

her back bumped into the counter, causing her to be cornered as he only kept walking closer and closer. placing both hands on either side of her, soobin slowly began to bring his face closer to her's.

yumi watched in horror as he leaned in. closing her eyes, a scream erupted from her mouth, her leg flying up and kicking him right where she knew it would hurt the most. as he crumpled to the ground, she ran back to her room, making sure to slam and lock the door behind herself.

swatting at her head, yumi whined, "how the hell are you supposed to go home now?"

"you have to walk there, silly!"

flipping around, yumi suppressed the urge to gasp, "what are you doing here?"

"i came to pick up the girl i like from work!" soobin proudly announced, ignoring the nosy customers around them who were whispering. "i thought that if i show i'm more dedicated, maybe the chances of you accepting me would be greater!"

grabbing his arm, yumi pulled soobin out of the shop, the boy's grin only widening at the skin-to-skin contact they were making. "soobin," she began, holding in the urge to pull at her hair, "you have to stop showing up at places randomly like this. and you need to watch what you say out loud!" her mind going back to the events that had happened in the apartment, yumi scratched her head, "people might get the wrong idea."

"who cares about other people," tucking his hands into his pocket shyly, the lanky boy shuffled his feet, "i only care about you."

scoffing, yumi pointed at him, "wow," she chuckled, crossing her arms, "you were so bold before, and now you're acting shy?" shaking her head, yumi blew her bangs from her eyes, "listen, i don't know what's gotten into you lately, but messing with people's feelings is no joke."


"if you're playing a prank, please stop. and don't you have your mission that you need to complete?" soobin opened his mouth to speak, but was once again interrupted, "the sooner you find someone, the better, right? stop trying to make our situation more miserable than it needs to be."

yumi turned and walked back into the shop without another word, leaving soobin to his own thoughts.

"what if i've already found someone?" the boy grinned to himself, the dimples on his cheeks widening with his smile. "i'll show you, yumi. mark my words," soobin watched from afar as she served some customers who walked up to the counter, "you'll fall in love with me. i promise."

STUPID CUPID ✶ choi soobinWhere stories live. Discover now