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"and if you look at page 495 in your textbook, you'll see-" the professor cut himself off when he saw just about half of his class either sleeping or on the verge of doing so. he slapped his hand on his desk, causing many students to jolt awake. "i get that this is a tiring course, but you all decided that you wanted to be here." his disappointed gaze looked around the classroom at the students who were too embarrassed to meet his eyes. "if you are resolutely determined to make a lawyer of yourself, the thing is more than half done already; can someone tell me who said that?" when no one moved to raise their hand, the professor turned away from his class. while facing the blackboard, he called out, "kang yumi?"

standing from her seat, she immediately responded, "abraham lincoln, in his letter to isham reavis on november 5, 1855."

"thank you, you may be seated." he turned back around, shaking his head, "can't you all be more like miss kang? she's always here, ready to learn, even though there isn't much more that i can teach her. she is the perfect student."

from behind herself, yumi could hear everyone scoffing, "no one likes a know-it-all," and, "please, she's such a suck up." after listening to a few more rude remarks, she slowly lowered her head, hoping that the attention could be averted from her awkward form. 

"class dismissed," was all the professor said, after his rant, while waving his hand to shoo the students out.

packing up her things, yumi could hear a few of the conversations around her. they were the normal gossip, like usual, but one stuck out to her.

"did you see the total hotty standing by the school gate? i heard he's here to pick up his girlfriend."

"aw man, why are all the good ones taken?"

yumi didn't know why, but she had a really odd feeling as she left class. they can't be talking about soobin, right? she shook her head, a nervous laugh falling from her mouth. there's no way.

but as she walked towards the exit of her university, it became apparent that they were indeed talking about soobin. as soon as he saw yumi, soobin began waving like a maniac, his eager smile easily seen by yumi from all the way across the courtyard.

embarrassed by all the attention that was now on her, yumi covered her face as she fast-walked towards him. once she was a bit closer, she noticed that something was different about him. very different. his auburn hair was no more, and was instead replaced with a starched, black color. instead of his normal sweater vest and beret, he wore a leather jacket with black, ripped jeans and a plain white t-shirt. he even accessorized with a dangly cross earring on his left ear.

wow. yumi couldn't deny it; soobin looked hot. "what's with the sudden change?"

"do you not like it?" soobin asked worriedly, as he grabbed her bag from her shoulder to put it on his own. 

"it's not that i don't like it, it just doesn't seem like you is all," she shrugged, before trying to take her bag back, "i can carry that on my own, you know."

"i know that you're perfectly capable. but as long as i'm around, i want to do everything for you."

yumi would be lying if she said that her heart wasn't beating out of her chest in that moment. coughing into her arm to disrupt the awkward silence, yumi found herself looking up at him again, "uh, thank you."

soobin nodded, his eyes in front of him as they walked back towards their apartment. "so, do you like me more with my new style?"

"yeah, i do. you look really h-" she clamped her mouth shut in order to stop that sentence from leaving her mouth.

soobin's innocent smile was present as he looked down at her, "i look really what?"

"happy! you look really happy," yumi gave a thumbs up to try and make her cover-up more believable.

he shook his head, a teasing grin tugging at his lips, "i don't think that's what you were going to say."


happy valentines day!! 

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