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"happy birthday to you! happy birthday, dear yumi! happy birthday to you!"

with a chuckle, yumi shook her head, "dad, are you gonna call me every year to sing to me now that i don't live at home anymore?"

"how could i not? my first born is out there, all alone! who knows if she'd even hear the words 'happy birthday' on her birthday if i wasn't around," her father argued playfully, "but since i am here, there's no need for you to worry. my poor daughter," she could hear is frown through the phone, "all alone on her birthday," yumi's eyes widened as she bit her lip in guilt. "it's a shame seoul is so far—"

"yumi, i made your favorite!" soobin's voice followed his gentle knock on yumi's bedroom door, "well, your favorite of what i'm able to cook. it's cereal! lucky charms to be precise!"

if it was possible, yumi's eyes widened even more. "who was that? was that a man?" it was like a rapid fire of questions that left her father after hearing the voice, "yumi, that better not be a man in your house."

on the other side of the door, soobin's ear was pressed against it as he listened intently. who's she talking to? he wondered to himself.

"a-ah, it looks like i left my tv on! i'll talk to you later, dad!"

before yumi could hang up, her father managed to get one last "happy birthday!" in, before she ended the call.

swinging open the door, yumi stared at soobin, who still had his ear up to where the door was only seconds before. straightening his posture, the taller of the two held the bowl of cereal up, "tada! i made this for you!"

"i'm not very hungry," yumi walked past him, making her way into the bathroom.

"that's okay. i can buy you a coffee on my way to work today!" he offered, giving her his signature boyish grin.

yumi shook her head, "pass. thanks for the offer, anyway. besides, shouldn't you be putting that energy into completing your mission?"

soobin frowned, crossing his arms over his chest as he mumbled, "i thought i was."


soobin trailed slightly behind yumi, his head tilted slightly and brows furrowed in thought as he stared at the back of yumi's black hair.

she's not acting like today's any different. he scoffed quietly, still wearing the normal outfit; black jeans, black t-shirt, and her combat boots. a giggle followed suit as he bit his lip, she still looks cute, though.

"what are you laughing at?" yumi questioned, slowing her pace a bit so they were walking beside one another.

biting his lip, soobin shrugged slightly, spitting out the first thing that came to mind, "your outfit." realizing how rude that sounded, he quickly slapped his mouth, "i- i didn't mean it that way."

"you should look at yourself in the mirror before laughing at me," yumi smirked, walking ahead of him again.

"okay, i deserved that one," soobin walked faster to catch up with her, "but i didn't even wear my beret today—"

"kang yumi!"

both yumi and soobin looked forward to see someone quickly walking towards them, holding a coffee cup in their hands.

with a smile, yumi greeted them, "wooyoung!"

"here's your daily hot chocolate," he handed it to her, before pulling out a small bag from his backpack, "i also got this for you. but don't open it until i'm not with you."

yumi softly punched his arm, pouting her lip a bit as she stared at her gift, "you didn't have to."

quietly, soobin mumbled, "yeah, you didn't have to."

"oh, yeah, soobin, this is wooyoung, my best friend since high school; wooyoung, this is soobin," yumi introduced. "i have to get to school, so i'll see you tonight!" she waved bye to soobin, before starting off down the sidewalk, wooyoung following close behind her.

frowning deeply, soobin stared after the two with a bad taste in his mouth, "i have to do better than him. yumi will definitely like my present more." he sighed, looking away, "if i figure out what the heck to get her."

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