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so far, it had been a normal day for kang yumi; she woke up, got ready, left at approximately 8:10 in order to catch the 8:30 bus, went to all her classes, worked her part-time job, and was now standing in front of the door to her apartment, ready to walk in and de-stress after a long day.

the brunette let out a relieved sigh as she locked the door behind herself, her hand blindly reaching out to flip the light switch on as she brushed her fly-aways back with her free hand. she mumbled a quiet 'hey' to the brunette sitting on her couch, before making her way down the hallway, it not quite dawning on her that she lived alone until roughly about ten seconds later.

stopping in her tracks entirely, yumi flipped back around to face them, quickly grabbing whatever means of self-defense she had laying around. with an umbrella gripped in her hands, she pointed it at the unknown person, her face contorted in order to look as menacing as possible.

"who the hell are you, and why are you in my apartment?"

jumping up from the couch, the boy in the beret quickly put his hands out in defense with a look of panic easily seen within his eyes, "hey, woah, woah, calm down-" yumi swung the umbrella at him, causing the confused boy to drop into a fetal position, his arms wrapped around the back of his neck and his eyes shut tight, "please don't hurt me!"

"who are you?" she asked again, tilting her head to this side as one of her brows cocked in suspicion.

deciding it was most likely safe for him to uncover his head, the boy looked up at her through his auburn-ish hair, "soobin," he began to get up when she slowly dropped the umbrella, "my name is soobin."

"why are you here?"

he sighed, dropping his shoulders in some sort of disappointment, "you tell me! lady aphrodite didn't mention she'd be dropping me off in some random college student's apartment! i mean, the least she could do was let me stay with someone who had a little bit more money-"

"wait, hang on- lady aphrodite? as in the greek goddess aphrodite?" yumi couldn't believe what she was hearing. was this kid on drugs or something?

"that's the one," soobin answered as if it was the most normal thing.

her guard being brought back up due to this 'soobin's ridiculous answers and obvious state of delusion, yumi slowly lifted the umbrella again, "and how would you know her?"

"i'm cupid, silly."

"c-cupid?" she laughed bitterly, the idea of this grown person in front of her being a baby who shoots arrows seemingly unfathomable, "like, the one who wears diapers?"

"hey, i'll have you know i stopped wearing diapers at the age of seven."

shaking her head, yumi took in a deep breath, "this is crazy. you aren't cupid, you're just a psycho who broke into my apartment-" she pulled out her phone, beginning to call the police when soobin started waving his hands.

"wait! i'll prove it!" looking up from the dial pad on her phone, yumi watched soobin with skeptical eyes, "i wasn't planning on bringing it out so early because i wasn't exactly supposed to bring it, but- tada!"

within seconds, a large bow appeared in his hands, it decorated from top to bottom in pink and gold detailing. "how the- what?!"

before she knew it, yumi's world around her was slowly getting darker, as sounds faded away. the last thing she heard before collapsing in a heap of shock was, "don't tell me you're gonna- well, shit."


yumi's eyes slowly began to creak open, before she sat up completely in panic. looking around, she didn't see anyone, causing her to realize it was only a dream. "damn, that was weird."

"what was weird?" soobin asked as he entered the bedroom, causing her to scream and launch a pillow in his direction. "hey, watch the merchandise! i'm not afraid to make you pay my medical bill!"

"i thought it was just a dream- you mean to tell me this is all real?"

"unfortunately. and now we have to deal with each other for as long as it takes to deal with my mission, too," soobin shrugged as fiddled with his hands.

wide-eyed and now fully awake, yumi looked at soobin as if he had three heads, "excuse me?"

"oh, yeah, i didn't tell you?" soobin chuckled a bit sheepishly, "i don't have anywhere else to go, so i figured i'd just stay here!"

appalled in every way possible, yumi scoffed as she stood from her bed that she still didn't know how she got into, "and when did you decide to tell me this?"

"i figured you wouldn't mind!" because he knew she was just going to complain again, soobin cut her off, "look, i don't plan on being here long. i just need to complete my mission, and then i'll be out of your hairs forever, okay?" thinking that it wasn't enough to persuade her, he continued, "i can even carry my own weight! i'll get one of those jobs, or whatever. just please let me stay here."

yumi sat back down, suddenly feeling light-headed once again. was she really about to let this stranger stay in her home? this was all too crazy. but, then again, he seemed very genuine.

yumi had always had a sense of truth, and she could tell this guy obviously wouldn't be that great at lying, which is what lead her to make this dire decision with barely any knowledge of the person standing in front of her.

"what exactly is this... mission?"

STUPID CUPID ✶ choi soobinWhere stories live. Discover now