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it was the weekend, saturday to be precise, and it was the only day of the week that yumi had to herself. no school, no work, no plans. just a day of nothingness that yumi was ready to bathe in. she was already doing so as she was still in bed at 10:30am, which is very late compared to her normal sleeping schedule.

but it seemed her plans went out the window when her phone started ringing loudly from her bedside table. barely opening her eyes enough to see 'DAD' across the screen, yumi closed her eyes again as she slid the button across to answer the phone, "h-hello?"

"good morning, sunshine!"

"do you need something?"

"listen, don't be mad at me, okay?" her father started off, which caused the black-haired girl to peel open her eyes in suspicion.

"well, i won't be mad if you don't give me any reason to be."

her father chuckled, "you sound just like your mom."

uncomfortable at the mention of her mother, yumi turned onto her side as she mumbled, "please get to the point."

"your brother is on his way to seoul, and he's coming to stay at your place."

sitting up, yumi screamed, "WHAT?"

"he has to take an entrance exam for seoul national university! this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for your brother," her dad waited for her to say something, but when she didn't, he continued, "and it's too much money to rent him a hotel room. besides, that's too dangerous for a 17-year-old to stay in such a big city all by himself."

"so you're sending him to my place? how do you know if i even have room?"

"you've got that little office, don't you? fix it up and he can just sleep in there for the next few days!" yumi could practically hear his smile through the phone, "your brother really is exceptional, just like you. that's how he got this opportunity. so can't you be happy for him and do him this favor?"

sighing deeply, yumi let her head fall in defeat, "when will he get here?"

"in the next hour or so."

"WHAT?" yumi screamed again, before flinging her covers off of herself. "i gotta go. bye, dad!"

seconds later, she burst from her room, running down the hall to the extra room that soobin slept in. banging rapidly on the door, yumi yelled, "soobin! soobin!!"

it took roughly around 15 seconds for the disheveled looking boy to open the door, "yes?" he asked, his black hair sitting messily atop his head, with the only thing he was wearing being his boxers.

"my brother is coming, no time to explain, we need to clean up your stuff like yesterday," she rushed into the room, not even fazed by his attire as she began to throw his clothes into the closet.

scratching his head, he whined, "it's like 7am, why is he coming now?"

"soobin, it's almost 11am."

his eyes opening wide, soobin looked at her in disbelief, "really? i have to leave in an hour for a photoshoot."

"well, my brother is gonna be here in an hour, and he can't find out that a man has been staying with me all this time. the little brat will use it as leverage against me, i just know it."

"so what are we gonna do if he sees me?"

yumi paused her throwing of his things, turning to him in thought, "well, i'll tell him he can't stay in here because i have a roommate─ but i won't exactly tell him that they're not a girl."

"well, what is he gonna do when he sees i'm not a girl?" soobin, now fully awake, suddenly became aware of how he was dressed, and silently folded his arms over his chest as he waited for an answer.

"he won't," yumi finished putting the last of soobin's clothes away, before standing up to look at him, "you can just leave early every morning and get home late at night. that way, you guys can avoid each other completely!"

soobin nodded, "okay."

just then a knock sounded at the front door, "sis? it's me, your favorite brother!"

soobin and yumi turned to each other, their eyes wide as they mouthed 'shit' in unison. panicking slightly, yumi gestured for soobin to go into her room to hide. he nodded, running down the hallway and into her bedroom. once the door was closed, yumi rushed to the front door.

opening it, she greeted her younger sibling, "you're my only brother, stupid."

"good to see you, too, sis." kang taehyun, yumi's 17-year-old brother, stood in her doorway, with a small carry on and a backpack slung over his shoulder.

"i thought you weren't supposed to be here for another hour," yumi followed after taehyun when he entered her apartment.

he nodded, before flopping onto her couch, "the bus ride was a lot shorter than usual," sitting up, he pointed towards her fridge, "got any snacks?"

yumi could feel her anxiety rise in her throat when she saw soobin peer out from behind her bedroom door. 

"what the hell? why is there only bread in here?" taehyun asked as he searched through the pantry.

noticing that taehyun was preoccupied with searching for food, yumi gestured for soobin to sneak out, waving her arms wildly in hopes that he'd go faster.

the 185cm boy crawled out of her room in yumi's pink bathrobe that barely reached his knees. yumi would've laughed if it was any other time, but given their circumstances, she only urged him to leave faster.

once soobin made it out, the door closed behind himself, causing taehyun to flip around, "what was that?"

"what was what? i didn't hear anything, you must just be imagining things. wow aren't you tired after that long trip? you should take a nap. here, lie down my sweet, sweet brother." yumi spoke quickly, so quickly that taehyun had barely any time to process what she was saying.

"you're acting.. weird."

"anyways, how long will you be here?" yumi questioned, pulling him to the couch. she was able to breathe a bit better now that soobin successfully made it out of the apartment.

"til monday." taehyun suddenly turned to look at yumi, his eyebrows furrowed, "uh, sis?"


"do you have a boyfriend?"

"no.. why?" yumi asked worriedly.

pointing towards the window that could see out onto her balcony, taehyun nodded his head towards the clothes that hung up, "because those are men's boxers hanging up."

"listen, i- uh- i can explain─"

just then, soobin came rushing into the apartment, still wearing the small pink robe that did the bare minimum to cover him. "hey, pervert!" someone beat on their door, "don't think i didn't see your face!"

his chest rose up and down, as he turned to look at the two who sat on the couch, "hi." he waved awkwardly as his eyes turned to half-moons and his dimples made themselves known through his shy smile.

"soobin!" yumi hissed in irritation, before turning to her younger brother with a sheepish smile, "listen, it's not what it looks like."

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