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rubbing her eyes, yumi rolled over in bed, the everlasting feeling of fatigue still hanging over her. her bedroom was quiet, and peaceful. and of course the first thing that came to her mind was that something was wrong. it was too quiet.

and then the smell hit her; the smell of burning food. next, was the high-pitched scream that carried through the apartment. jumping up from underneath her duvet, yumi scurried down the hall as soon as she flung her bedroom door open.

"what's going on─" yumi cut herself off, while looking over the disaster that was her kitchen. "what. the. hell."

"uh, so, you see what had happened was-" soobin gestured around for a moment, before letting his shoulders drop, "i was just trying to make some breakfast."

taking in a deep breath, she nodded. don't get mad, yumi. he won't be here for too much longer. just till he finishes his "mission". looking at soobin, she forced a smile, "it's okay, soobin. just clean it up."

she's acting surprisingly calm, soobin watched her retreat back to her room with curious eyes, i wonder how she's gonna react when she realizes that the food i burned was her's. shrugging, he checked his watch, and realized that he had to be at work in less than 45 minutes. with wide eyes, he began cleaning as quickly as possible, obviously missing things here and there because of the rapid speed he was going.

finishing up what he thought to be a clean kitchen, soobin smiled triumphantly, while putting his shoes on at the front door, "later, yumi!" as he shut the door behind himself, the corner of his lips slowly lifted into a toothy grin, maybe today i'll meet that special someone. looking up at the ceiling with his hands together, soobin stopped walking all together so he could clamp his eyes shut tightly, "hey, big guy. if i'm supposed to meet the love of my life today, please, please, PLEASE give me a sign—"

"hey, stupid," the person's voice catching him off guard, soobin's eyes popped up to see yumi walking towards him, "you plan on going to work in your house slippers?" soobin looked down to see that he was, indeed, wearing his house slippers. tsking quietly, yumi beckoned him to lean closer to her after she set his shoes down next to his feet. obeying her silent command, soobin watched in curiosity as she reached up and began fixing his hair, "maybe you should wear that stupid hat— it's at least better than whatever this is."

after a few moments of fixing him, the close proximity of their faces had suddenly been noticed by yumi. the boy, however, didn't seem to be affected by it in anyway. rather, it seemed to intrigue him, as he tilted his head just a bit as he inspected her face. "yumi?"

"hm?" she stared, wide-eyed at him, kind of stuck in a trance.

"you should probably go wash your face—you've got a pimple on your forehead," he smiled, before standing up to his full height. after slipping on his shoes, soobin made his way on to the elevator.

snapping out of her mini trance, yumi furrowed her eyebrows so deeply that she was sure they'd be stuck permanently, "it's because of you! next, you're gonna end up giving me premature wrinkles."

"it looks like the wrinkles are already there," soobin grinned again, waving bye to her as the elevator doors closed.

with a scoff, yumi pulled out her phone to look in the camera. scanning her forehead, she saw nothing, and let a scoff leave her mouth once again, "pimple my ass."

on the elevator, soobin remembered what he was doing, before someone so rudely interrupted, "oh, yeah. anyways, when i meet that special someone, give me a sign," he opened his eyes after his "prayer", "i'll be asking every day, so don't even think about slacking off."


oop this is a short chapter hehe

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