1; Chris Puts His Foot In His Mouth (Evanstan)

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   Chapter Summary: Chris is so sweet. But, sometimes... he doesn't really think before he speaks.

   Chapter Soundtrack: Do I Wanna Know? By Arctic Monkeys

   The restaurant was a nice one, small and cozy, but not too loud or crowded. It was Sebastian's favorite kind of setting.

   Anthony, God knows why, had invited them both to brunch the day before, at a place that was all the way across town. Not that Sebastian minded the drive, it's just... he doesn't really feel like talking to Chris.

   It's not that Sebastian dislikes Chris, not at all; it's that he likes him too much. And Sebastian knows it. Every time he sees his dorky, pretty face, he gets this tingly feeling in his stomach. It makes it hard to contain himself when there's just this absolutely beautiful marshmallow of a man in front of you, and he wants to hug you everytime you speak to each other. It absolutely melts his heart into mush, and he has to refrain from lunging at him and burying himself in whatever dumb, adorable sweater Chris is wearing at the time.

   Speaking of dumb adorable sweaters, guess what Chris Evans wore to the restaurant?

   A long, navy blue sweater.

   That Sebastian got him.

   ...For his birthday.

   God, he wants to touch his face-

   "Hey, Seb!" Says Chris, his face scrunching up with that cute, stupid smile, and his eyes lighting up like fireworks. Which is what is currently going off in Sebastian's chest.

   He pulls himself together, trying to make his smile look a little less like he'll die if Chris breaks eye contact with him.

   "You good, man?" Anthony asks from beside him, and Sebastian has to reign his mind in.

   "What? Yeah, I'm fine. Hey, Chris." And then they hug, and Sebastian has to bite the inside of his cheek to keep himself focused.

   They sit down at their booth, Chris in the middle, with Sebastian on his left, and Anthony on his right.

   "So, how's it going, Chris?" Anthony initiates the conversation, as per usual. Sebastian tunes out for a bit, also as per usual, until the sound of Chris's voice makes him snap to attention.

   "Seb? Did you hear me?" Chris asked, his eyebrows raised. Sebastian blinked.

   "Oh, sorry. What?" Seb asks.

   "I was asking why you were being so quiet. Did ya forget English for a second?" Chris chuckled, and Sebastian felt his heart crack just a teeny, tiny bit.

   Sebastian was generally a pretty quiet guy. But he was also pretty self-conscious, unbeknownst to everyone but him. And he hated the fact that he was so quiet. It made him feel like he was boring to anyone who was around him, or that he couldn't make a good contribution to any conversation. He hated it so much. And he felt so embarrassed whenever anyone ever commented on how quiet or withdrawn he was, but the fact that it was Chris made it 10 times worse.

   But Sebastian hid his quiet pain, and just laughed along with Chris. After a few minutes, he excused himself to the restroom, in order to sort out his heart and/or agony. After he was out of sight, Anthony immediately got Chris's attention.

   "Did you notice the way Sebastian was acting?"

   And Chris, that sweet, oblivious, sweater-wearing dork, shook his head. "No. Why?"

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