4: Of Dances and Daughters(Stucky)

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   Chapter Summary: Parenting is hard. Being a great parent is even harder.

   Chapter Soundtrack: A World Alone by Lorde


   Requested by ZahriaB2

   Prompt: "I don't exactly know what I want the plot to be but I was wondering if you could write something along the lines of Steve and Bucky with a 15 year old daughter where it's really fluffy and they call her all these sweet pet names."

   w h y   w o n ' t   w a t t p a d   l e t   m e   i n d e n t   m y   p a r a g r a p h s

   Also, not really proofread, more like quickly skimmed. Sorry for any errors♡

   Isabella's palms were sweating. She wiped them on the skirt of her dress for a moment, then stopped when she thought better of it. She was sitting on the edge of her bed, fiddling with her hands nervously in her lap. She tried not to think about who was waiting downstairs for her, instead trying to focus on calming herself down.

   At first, she had wanted nothing to do with the school dance. Firstly, she could barely even stand upright without tripping half the time. Dancing? A no-go. Secondly, who could she go with? She had a friend group, but she knew that they would all have liked to dance, and she would most likely only hold them back. A date was out of the question.

   "Bella?" She heard her dad call from outside her door. She knew he wouldn't come in unless she gave him permission.

   "Just a moment," she responded, pushing herself off the bed and rushing to stand in front of her tall mirror. She double-checked her makeup- she wore the bare minimum, considering she hardly ever wore any at all- as well as her hair, which hung in two thick, dark braids on either side of her head. Her outfit was very simple: it consisted of a light beige silk tank top, tucked into a flowy navy blue skirt that stopped just above her knees. She work knee-high black socks and chocolate brown lace-up boots. A simple gold bracelet on her right wrist completed the look.

   "Doll?" Her dad asked, knocking gently on the door. She finally went to open it.

   His eyes scanned her outfit quickly, before his lips pulled up into a smile and he took her into a hug. "You look beautiful," he murmured into her hair.

   "Thank you, Daddy," she said back, pulling away slowly.

   Her parents were James Buchanan Barnes and Steven Grant Rogers, more commonly known as The Winter Soldier and Captain America. She had been adopted when she was 6 years old, and spent most of her life under the care of two of the strongest men in the world.

   "Ready to go downstairs?" Bucky asked, laying a hand carefully on her shoulder. She swallowed nervously, but nodded.

   He led her downstairs, where Steve was sitting at the kitchen table, sipping a coffee idly. When he saw her, his face brightened dramatically, and he set his cup down to get up from the table.

   "Oh, Sweetheart," he exclaimed, pulling her into a smothering hug. Luckily, she was used to them by now, and gently wrapped her arms around his waist. "You're gorgeous."

   Isabella blushed faintly, pulling away from him. "Thank you."

   "Alright," said Bucky, clapping his hands- hand?- hands together. "Your Papa and I have a few ground rules to lay out, Love."

   Isabella wasn't surprised. Her parents were war heroes, for God's sake.

   "Number one: Curfew is 9:30. Number two: Keep your cellphone on and with you at all times. Number three: Don't speak to any adults that you don't recognize."

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