8: The Day In(Stucky)

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   Chapter Summary: Steve and Bucky decide to sleep in.

   Chapter Soundtrack: Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol

   Requested by ZahriaB2:

   "Ok so I wanted to request something similar to my previous requests where the female reader is a teenager that has been adopted by Stucky and I don't know exactly what I want but something very fluffy where they're spending time together at home and Steve is a very feminine mama bear and Bucky is a somewhat protective 'daddy.'"

   I hope this makes up for the long wait!♡

   The first thing Steve noticed when he woke up was that it was very, very bright.

   He groaned, rolling over and tugging the sheets up over his head. A warm, solid arm slung itself over his torso, pulling him closer to the right side of the bed. He groaned again as he scooted closer to the soft and comforting warmth that was Bucky, attempting to tug Steve closer and closer to him.

   "Wumph," he slurred, letting Bucky wrap both arms around him and pull him against his bare chest, the heat of him radiating through Steve's tank top. Bucky slurred something back at him, and Steve threw a leg over Bucky's thigh, basking in their closeness.

   "Mph," Steve huffed, squinting his eyes open. "What time is it?"

   Bucky didn't open his eyes. "11:05."

   Steve nearly shot up in bed, causing Bucky to groan in protest and cling to his waist, even as he sat up straight.

   "What?" He asked, and Bucky cracked one eye open.


   Steve shook his head. "No, I know, but... we slept in."

   If he could have mustered up the energy, Bucky would have rolled his eyes. "Uh, yeah, that's kind of the whole point."

   Luckily, Steve did have the energy to roll his eyes. "I mean, Sammy's probably awake by now." That got a reaction out of Bucky.

   He opened both eyes, flicking them up to look at Steve. "She can take care of herself."

   Steve exhaled harshly through his nose, making Bucky smirk up at him through his dumb mess of hair.

   "If you wanted to get up with me, you shoulda just asked." It was always fun to watch Steve pretend to be mad at him.

   "Jerk," he muttered, rolling over and swinging his legs off the edge of the bed. Bucky sat up, watching him.

   "Don't pull a muscle tryin' to figure out what to wear," he teased lightly, and Steve flashed his middle finger at him from where he stood at their closet, pulling a white t-shirt off the hanger.

   Bucky grinned, throwing the covers off himself and climbing out of the bed. He took Steve's place at the closet, immediately grabbing a casual dark pair of jeans and a plain white t-shirt.

   "Hey, do you think Sam would mind if I called and invited him out for dinner?" Steve asked from the bathroom, and Bucky paused, his jeans halfway up his thighs.

   "Um," he said, pulling them the rest of the way up and buttoning them. "I doubt it. Where do you plan on going?" He asked, and Steve peeked his out out of the door.

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