☆♡11: You'll Forever Be My World(40's Stucky)♡☆

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   This one is by thehowlies! Be sure to give them lots of love for it!

   Chapter Summary: Another bruise, another lecture from Bucky.

   Chapter Soundtrack: Needle in the Hay by Elliot Smith

   Steve Rogers had always been good at getting into fights, but never so great at the actual fighting part. And that's why he was currently sitting in his and Bucky's cramped apartment with a split lip and a swollen eye.

   It really his fault, though. Some guys were giving poor Maggie Shurman a hard time while she was just trying to pick up her groceries, and he couldn't just watch that play out. His Ma had brought him up to be a good man, and he would not tarnish her good name by doing just the opposite.

   He knew exactly what Bucky would say if wasn't still working down by the docks: "Stop pickin' fights you know ya can't win, Rogers!"

   But he knew in his heart that if he hadn't intervened when he did, Maggie Shurman would've probably ended up with much worse than a split lip and a swollen eye.

   Eventually, heard the front door open, followed by Bucky's usual cheerful greeting.

   His attitude quickly changed, however, once he saw the state that Steve was in. Sighing, he rushed to the sink to get a wet rag, before returning to kneel down in front of Steve and dab it against his split lip.

   "What'd I tell ya, Steve?" He asked exasperatedly. "How many was it this time?"

   "Three, but they were about to attack the Shurman girl, and I couldn't just sit by and watch!" Steve rushes to try and explain himself.

   "That's the problem with you," Bucky huffed. "You're too kind for your own good."

   Steve looked guilty down at his rough hands, shifting in his seat. Bucky moved the rag from his lip to his cheekbone, gently brushing a lock of Steve's hair from his face and tucking it behind his ear. Steve's breath hitched on his next intake of air, and he knew it wasn't because of his asthma.

   His love for Bucky had transcended from platonic years ago. And he knew he couldn't- shouldn't- have these feelings, but he couldn't help it.

   And of course he longed to tell Bucky about his feelings for him, the Bucky that was kneeling in front of him, brow downturned and lips cast into a worried frown. The Bucky who always looked after him, whether it was because of him being sick or getting into a fight, much like now. The Bucky who had been there for him when his mother had died.

   But he would never. Because it would ruin everything.

   He would much rather have Bucky in his life and remain a hopeless fantasy than scare him off with his stupid and irrational feelings; he knew that was exactly what would happen if he ever did tell him, and Steve wasn't- would never be- equipped to deal with that kind of rejection. Besides, Bucky was happy, and in the end, that was all that really mattered to Steve.

   He was pulled from his thoughts by Bucky standing up in front of him, the now slightly bloodied rag in hand.

   "Well, I reckon you'll live," he joked with a bitter grin.

   Steve gave him an equally bitter smile in return.

   Bucky sighed, leaning against the kitchen counter, abruptly serious.

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