13: In Which Bucky Finally Gets His Plums(Stucky)

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   Requested by NEasyDayS: Could you maybe do a happy fluff one when Buck finally gets his plums?

   Chapter Summary: It's all in the title, bro.

   Chapter Soundtrack: 400 Lux by Lorde

   It's the slowest day Bucky's had in weeks. It was so horribly drawn out and ungratifying that he think's it should've been called The Twilight Saga.

   First, he'd woken up two hours early and not been able to fall back asleep. Then, he'd set the heat on the toaster too high and burnt his breakfast. After that, he'd just barely made it to work on time and gotten stuck doing copies all day for Stark. He'd barely escaped the office with his sanity, the only thing keeping him tethered to the real world the thought of coming home to Steve, his sweet little slip of a thing.

   "Rough day, Barnes?" Sam asks him as he's packing up, and Bucky huffs out a laugh because that is literally so not funny.

   "Oh, I don't know, Wilson. Why don'tcha ask Clint how it went?" What Bukcy says is actually funny, though, because about six hours prior, Bucky had gone to the breakroom to retrieve his lunch and return to his desk, only to find the cup of strawberry yogurt he'd placed on the top shelf of the fridge was missing.

   "Who-?" He turned around to ask, and come face-to-face with Clint, a cup of fųcking strawberry yogurt in hand and half-empty. Clint stopped, looked from Bucky's face down to the cup of yogurt in his hand, and then slowly took the spoon out of his mouth.

   "Uh..." he trailed off, before jamming the spoon back into the cup and holding it out towards Bucky. "Want the rest?"

   Bucky rolled his eyes and stalked away, minus one yogurt. He'd mopily eaten his turkey sandwich as he edited the latest proposal, ignoring the teasing comments from Natasha and Sam about missing his "boo."

   That said, he really was not in the mood for any more bull shıt when he got home. Not that he expected Steve to give him any, but things happen.

   He pulled moodily into the driveway, parking in his usual spot and pulling the key out of the ignition as quickly as possible.

   The door opened when he was halfway up the steps, Steve's small and elegant frame leaning against the doorway. The light behind him almost seemed to give him a glowing look, and it was all Bucky could do to not drop to his knees right then and wrap his arms around Steve's legs just to feel his gentle hand in his hair.

   He stumbled the last few steps anyway, and Steve caught him, grunting quietly under his weight. He saw the tired and overwhelmed look on Bucky's face and tutted quietly, reaching up to place a careful hand on the back of his neck.

   "Rough day at the office, honey?" He asked, and Bucky nodded into his shoulder. Steve made a sympathetic noise. "I know. Clint texted and asked me to tell you he was sorry about your yogurt."

   Bucky grumbled quietly at that, and Steve chuckled.

   "Alright, Buck, I love you, but my arms are starting to hurt and I don't want any bugs to get in."

   Bucky groaned, but stood back up anyway, sighing tiredly once Steve closed the door and wrapped him back up in a hug.

   "Lemme take your jacket," he said, already pulling it off Bucky's shoulders. He let him take it, watching silently as Steve hung it over the back of the chair and walked into the kitchen, giving Bucky an obvious look over his shoulder that meant that he should follow. He sighed, but complied, trudging into the living room and plopping down heavily onto the couch.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2020 ⏰

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