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I'm awoken by a blaring nouse and I shut off my alarm clock an full over to get ready I yawn and stretch an put on my canual and get up I go to my bathroom first to wash my face brush my teeth an pee before I get dressed I gotta look bad ass this trip I have to scare pepole just my name scares pepole I'm known for being ruthless an inflicting lots of pain I do what I need to in the bathroom and go sit at my vanity I take off my canual to do full glam I start with moisturizer an primer and toner then I start my foundation concealer contour powder then I do my brows an eyes then my lips an highlight I spray setting spray and put on my lace wig it matches my bright red eye look today I did red eyes an a black lip so I should dress similar I put my canual back on an Raymond comes in my room with a tray that has my favorite iced coffee and doughnuts from dunkin
"I got breakfast to make it easy your bags all packed rightist Ima put it in the car" he says I nod an he takes my bag to the car as I go to my closet to pick my clothes I need to be firece but formal definitely my leather jacket an sugars matching one I pick out a red dress tightfitted sweet heart neckline with thin straps and a skater skirt I put on my strapless bra an some panties then the dress and leather jacket I put on some black wedged converse heels that I had custom made an finish the look with my prescription sunglasses that kinda look like the stereo typical cop glasses i look I grab my purse phone coffee an a couple doughnuts since I'm hungry and go to the kitchen to get sugar ready
"Neben" I say an she comes up an sits next to me I put on her leather jacket then her vest an leash your probably wondering why are you dressing your service dog well because she likes it sometimes she will litterally wine until I put a little shirt or dress on her plus Washington is pretty rainy so I don't want her getting wet I look at the clock an see we have 20 minutes
"Okay potty break an quick run around then we're getting in the car baby" I say an rub sugars head
I take her outside an let her off her leash as I eat my doughnuts leaning up against the car the black suv we take on buissness I call sugar back as it's 5 minutes till we have to leave an put her back on her leash I rub my non existent baby belly as I wait for the boys Raymond joins me putting his arm around me
"They should be here soon we have 2 minutes till we leave we should get you two in the car" Raymond says i nod agreeing with him an go to the back door letting sugar jump in first an lay on the seat behind the driver her normal seat with her dog bed an car leash in it then I hand Raymond my coffee and set my bag infront of sugar on the floor then I hoist myself up an sit in the middle an Raymond hands me my coffee
"Shit i forgot sugars food there's a small bag for travel in the pantry I already have the bowls an treats" I say Raymond nods an dashes in the house I set my oxygenmachine on the flood an buckle sugar in and myself in Raymond comes back and hands me a blunt as he puts the food in the back I take off the canual an have him set my machine outside the car so we can smoke till they get here he sets the box of doughnuts next to me an I smile he knows me now I know your probably judging me but I'd rather smoke weed for the pain then be on pain meds an my child get addicted to them I light the blunt an admire my nails as we pass it back an forth taking hits I look at my phone an see it's 5:10 so I call my dad
K: yo where are you dad we were supposed to leave 10 minutes ago I'm waiting in the car
D: im Right here
K: oh shit hi dad
I hang up the phone as he opens the trunk
"Don't be rude pass me that shit" my dad says I nod an pass him the half smoked blunt
"Where's your brother" he asks
"Probably getting morning pussy" I say shrugging as I take another pull
"Your probably right" my dad says nodding we finish smoking the blunt an I call my brother as I eat another doughnut
A: yo I'm coming I'm walking up right now
K:cool we smoked without yo ass so let's go
I hang up as he puts his bag in the trunk I look at Raymond an notice how sexy he looks today he's wearing black suit pants a white suit shirt black vest and red tie my dads wearing a similar outfit but a blue tie and my brother is wearing just a white button up an suit pants
Everyone gets in the car and we all eat the rest of the doughnuts on the way to the private airport I open my phone an send emails an texts back an post a few things on twitter snap an Instagram then I close my phone an lay my head on Raymond's shoulder he smiles down at me as we enter the private airport we all board the plane and Raymond snaps a few pics of me while we board I sit in my normal seat with sugar next to me in her doggie bed I readjust my canual an set it to flying mode which increases my oxygen level slightly due to altitude the pilot greets everyone an we get ready for takeoff I turn my phone on airplane mode and Casey hops on last second
"Okay so here's the files we have a problem with the cocaine going to both the mafias an cartel we need to get that sorted quickly plus they lost product then we have to set some new players straight trying to come in our spots an cause trouble they got the pigs to arrest one of our best dealers then we have some events to go to to keep appearances we have moms an Jamie and hay coming out for thoose events but that's not for a day or so" my brother says handing the files out
"Did you bring my test kit" I ask
"Yes I did" my dad says
"Who's the leader of the new shit" I ask
"Funny you should ask" my brother says an pills out a photo of some pussy boy from my highschool
"Seriously him snip hahaha I know his weak points" I say
"Easy shit this trip" my dad says
"Someting tells me we will have a snag" I say
We all nod an talk about other things as I review the file gaining as much info as possible
"Wait this says cousin jay is running the cocaine cutting an distribution in this section" I say
"Yeah he is why" my dad says
"Then blood is fucking with our shit cause after he took over for uncle Steve the quality decreased but the product output an numbers doubled he's cutting our shit with bad cutter obviously" I say pointing this stuff out
"Fucking pussy" my brother says
"I'll call your uncle as soon as we get off" my dad says I nod an look through what we have on snip I see he's had a few arrests an has some buddies that went to the same school as us before I know it we are landing in Washington state an we're headed to the wearhouse we have here we all pile in the car soon we're getting there an everyone gets out and we walk in to see my cousin jay tied to a chair the workers standing off to the side my uncle standing next to my cousin and a table with our cocaine and the test kits an what they are cutting it with
"Don't cut anymore blocks " I say knowing it comes in pure as I walk over to my cousin hugging my uncle an making sure sugar stays with my dad I took off my oxygen for this so I need to hurry I slap him across the face an look him in they eye
"What have you been cutting my drugos with mother fucker" I say getting close
"None of your buissness bitch" he says spitting on me
"Now sweetie you may be family but I think your dad here will agree if I need to kill you I will your messing with the family name the family buissness everything so ima give you one more try before I have my men beat the shit outta you because your fucking with my shit you spoiled rotten piece of shit" I say an get in his face
He spits on me again an I wipe it off and grab my oxygen tank an mask sitting on the stool in front of the table and start the test
"See if my shits clean uncut like it's supposed to be it will have no reaction to this but if your cutting my shit with the wrong stuff it will turn black the right will turn pink uncle Steve do you have a block you cut" I ask
He nods an hands it to me I take the marker on the table an Label it Steve as the other two are labeled og an jay i scoop a little of each out in 4 Colloms just to make sure and I take a dropper with the chemical an drop it in each one the pure block stays white my uncles all turn pink but my cousins turns black immediately
"You right there what are y'all using to cut it" I ask pointing out someone
"Flour ma'am" he says I walk straight to my cousin an punch him in the face
"You fucking piece of shit your cutting my pure pure pure baby with fucking flour uncle Steve what is he supposed to cut it With" I ask already knowing the answer
"Benzocaine" my uncle says I nod
"Uncle Steve do you wanna have fun with him or want my boys to handle him" I ask
"Lets do both" he says
"Good take him away while I fix this shit" I say shaking my head taking sugar
"Yes ma'am I'm the number 2 here we have the right shit we haven't produced anything today so we're gonna start clean an fresh" he says
"Good im gonna stay an watch for a bit so get to it go go go" I say as I watch them start to cut my shit right I test the first batch an smile when it comes out pink
Soon my boys come back an we leave heading to our next appointment with snip we arrive at their house and all get out I take lead again with sugar by my side we enter and immediately I'm greeted with the edgy kids from high school they warmly welcome me and my brother until they realize who we are an why were there "where's snip" I say aggressively
Him an his girl toy aka the popular bitch come down the staircase an look at me
"Well we'll well it's lovely to see you Shelby I see you married into the mafia " he says
"Haha you bitch you obviously don't know who your Talking to you an your whore better get on the ground an kiss my fucking feet an the ground I walk on real fast" I say
" I'll never do that to a slut who just married in" his bitch says
"Oh your fucking funny I didn't marry in I was born an raised in it I can turn you inside out without batting an eyelash I can press one button on my phon and have you sold into sex trafficking so shut your mouth you slut" I say putting the bitch in her place
"Why are you jede Shelby" snip asks
"Well you see a little birdy told me some bitch was coming around trying to stop on my grounds an they've been my grounds for a long long time so I came to set that bitch straight an it's obvious you need a power check too" I say looking him up an down in ripped jeans and a Gucci shirt and ratty hair
"I don't need shit and it's my ground now" he says I laugh slightly and hand Raymond my bag and sugar
Then I grab my pistol from my thigh holster and pull it on him
"Get on your knees pussy" I say he does so putting up his hands all his pepole scatter behind furniture including his girl
"Now see isnt this pittiful das what would happen if I pulled a gun on you in our house an I was a guest" I say
"Everyone would have one pointed at you an you'd be disarmed in a second" he says laughing
"Your a pussy snip don't think you can come in on my corners an spots ive had for years I'll give you an opportunity since I know you from highschool but lemme tell you something this is my buissness bitch I own a mafia and a cartel and I'm going to marry into another mafia for a merger you can't touch me if I told you to hop on one leg you have to do so no questions asked" I say looking down on him
"What's the deal" he asks sweating
"You can join my cartel and you'll get product you have to move for me including drugs and cars an all sorts of things I say move it an sell it an you say yes ma'am or else I'll kill you an all your toys for trying to step on my toes" I say
"I'll take the deal" he says I nod an my brother hands me the contract and he signs not reading it ha there's a clause that says if I say to fuck someone you have to do it
We leave and head to the airport to go to nyc there's a problem at the leads house over there we board the plane and I thank god for my aunt she stopped by the hanger an brought us all homemade lunch she made everyone delicious calzones an they were still hot when. We got here an she brought brownies we all eat up as we take off headed to New York for the events and things for the mafia
I pat sugars head as she's curled up on her bed as were flying across country to New York we start messing around and my dad brings out some cards we play pocker an ear the food my auntie brought soon were in New York Landing going  to the last meeting today then we will be at a hotel for the night before going to upstate for
"What's this one for again" I ask
"Shits gone missing" my brother says I nod an take the file he hands me an start flipping through it seeing multiple cars guns an some drugs are missing but I look over the pepoles names I think this one will take longer
"Was it from the warehouse or inbetween deliveries" I ask
"Warehouse" my brother says
"Check sequirity cams" I ask
"Yeah the inhansed photos are in there" he says I nod an look an I instantly recognize it it's one of the mother fuckers that work for us an owe us money an HES been paying his shit back recently
"Case solved let's tourcher him infront of everyone" I say yawning
They agree as we arrive at the warehouse we step out an I leave sugar in the car with the windows down I approach the bitch that we allready have tied up an start laughing seeing we have his wife an kisses too
"See this is just sad you thought your wife wouldn't find out the bullshit your doing" my brother says shaking his head "brass knuckles please" I say smiling slightly as my dad hands them to me I walk over to the husband an hit him across the face
"See hunny your husband over here he kept borrowing money from us an wasn't paying him back so he paid a little visit to my cellars where I do my specialty that's how he lost his finger an he's been stealing my shit an repaying me with that money so now he's gotten you an your crotch goblin in trouble too" I say laughing an oulling out my pistol an pointing it at the wife's head
"Now your gonna tell me where my shit is an who you sold it to or I'm gonna light your goblin an wife up" I say smiling an taking the safety off my gun
"The Italians I sold it to the Italians" he says I move over to point the gun at his kid
"Stop telling lies or the kid goes first" I say
"Bullshit" I say an move and shoot him in the head
"He sold it to the French mafia I allready got a call from them I just wanted the truth" I say shrugging
"dammi una brusca e portali in cantina o nel traffico di sesso non mi interessa" (give me a blunt an take theese two to the cellar or sex traficing i DONT care)
I take off my oxygen mask an Raymond hands me a blunt I light up an stand by the car as pepole come an Thames thoose two away I yawn as a take another hit taking away the pain all over my body then my phone rings
K: hello
Mom: you have an interview with Kelly an Ryan in the morning be ready at 4 makeup an hair done Raymond knows allready it's about the book an YouTube
K:cool what time are y'all getting in
Mom: at about 7 we will meet at the studio
K:cool love ya
We hang up an I hop in the back as we all go to leave
Soon we're pulling up to the hotel an getting out and checking in I decide I want some pizza
"Can we go get pizza" I ask Raymond
"Sure love here lets take the bags to the room then I'll take you for pizza" he says I nod as we go to the elevator we go up to the room settle everything then sugar Raymond an I head out for pizza I get stopped a few times by fans and friends soon we're at my favorite pizza place and sit down getting pizza and making jokes I realise there's poperatzie outside an sigh when we go to leave I can see the headlines now
Kat smith dating her nurse an coteacher
We leave the resultant an I get bombarded with questions I keep my head down an DONT answer soon we're back at the hotel an I'm getting in pjs an wiping my makeup off and crawling into bed with Raymond we have a double room so that everyone thinks we sleep in diffrent beds soon Raymond's rubbing my belly and I'm awoken by someone coming into our room

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