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Dedicated to PrincessRoyal343

Liam's POV

My small world seemed like it was crumbling,maybe its the fact that I thought she was hanging out with me because she liked me for me and not for who society knew me for.

And then rage crept into me, she was just playing me, she wasn't special or different, she was like all the other girls.

"Why are you beating around the bush, just go straight to the point" I spat out

"What in the world are you talking about?" She asked a little taken aback

"You knew who I was ever since right?" I added in a monotone voice

"Liam, is this about you wearing hoodies... If you don't want to tell me why, I'm okay with it" she said as she began to get uncomfortable

"Just say the effing truth!" I said as I gripped her hand a little too tight

She wiggled her hand out of mine and stood up,

"I don't freaking know what's wrong with you but..." She said as she slowly backed away and before I could say Mississippi she was running away like a psycho.


Now that explained our situation, I don't even know why I reacted that way, I think I felt too vulnerable that I went all self defense.

Now Ivy was sprawled all over the ground, unconscious.

I placed her over my back and to my car- way to go Liam.

I laid her on the back seat of my car,making sure she was comfy, I brushed away a stray lock of hair from her face, I couldn't stop myself from tracing my index finger on her face, she wasn't like other girls, I couldn't believe I was too blind to see that she was rather an Angel, I held her soft delicate hands that I had seemed to have bruised a little earlier, "I'm really sorry, Ivy... I promise to never harm you ever again" I said as I placed a light kiss on her hand.

I stepped into the car and drove off to my house while I called a doctor to come over to check Ivy.

Soon, we reached my house, I carried her in my arms bridal style and kicked open the door leading into my home.

I laid her carefully in my guest room, and in no less than two minutes, Dr Sheila was here.

I had made a call to Catherine telling her to come over, who came in a few minutes after the doctor arrived.

"How the hell did Ivy end up like this?" Cath asked and there goes another long explanation.

Ivy's POV

I fluttered my eyelashes, letting the lights cloud my vision, as soon as I could see properly I noticed I wasn't in my lilac dungeon of a room but in a grey subtle room instead and this bed was not anywhere soft as my bed, 'where the heck was I?' I asked myself mentally as I tried to sit up as I felt a sharp pain in my head.

"Ouch!" I winced in pain as I saw silhouettes rush over to my side

"Ivy!" I heard Liam exclaim

"Ivy, you shouldn't be stressing yourself, you had a bad fall and hurt yourself pretty bad" said Cath as she helped me relax

"I'm really sorry for reacting that way" he said in a very sincere apologetic tone, I could see tears welled up in his eyes, I have never seen a guy so vulnerable,

I smiled a little, "don't worry, its fine... I get it, you don't like personal questions" I said as I held his hand

I could see his cold facial expression soften,

"But what I don't get is why you switched into subway surf mode, why the heck were you running away?" Cath chipped in

I gulped, that was a touchy subject, I didn't know how to tell them why I was triggered to run,

When Liam gripped my hand, I remembered all the times Kelvin abused me, I just felt like doing what I always did - I ran.

"I don't want to talk about it" I said in a hush tone, but it was still loud enough for them to hear and I guess they understood because they didn't say anything else regarding the matter.

"How long have I been here?" I asked them as they both looked at each other, giving each other looks like you-should-tell-her and no-you-tell-her this looked very interesting I thought to myself as I rose one brow and folded my hands over my chest.

"Guys?how long?"


Well, that's a wrap.

Hello lovelies, I want to specially thank you all for helping us reach 112 votes, I really appreciate you all and I would like if you recommended this book to your friends.

Anyway, Ivy and Liam had their first kiss, *lmao*

don't start reading the chapter all over, he kissed her hand, that was something 😉.

Question of the day
Who's your best character currently?


I love em all, and I don't want to be partial, so I'll keep shut.

Love y'all
Hugs and chocolates for everyone.


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