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Liam's POV

I had finished my daily run around the house and was wiping the little sweat that trickled down my face, when I received a spontaneous text from Cath.

Did I say text? No I meant texts.


Get ready and be in the café in 10 minutes.

Make that 9 minutes.

I'm with Ivy and I think today's the best time for you to tell her.

No but's, just go change already.

See you soon.

I looked at the messages Cath had sent, she had a point and it just dawned on me that Ivy still didn't know who I was or even in the slightest how I felt about her and I had to make those two things before she leaves for school this weekend.

So I ran into the house, took a ridiculous shower of 3 minutes to wash away the sweat from my body and got changed into my usual outfit.

I got into my car and drove off to the café which was a bit far off, and as soon as I got seated, Ivy and Cath walked in.

And at that moment I saw how Ivy fazed up when she saw me.

I stood up and looked at the beautiful girl who stood not less than five feet apart from me, and I could feel my heart literally begging to be let out of my chest.

Now this was a feeling I really needed to get accustomed to.

I came out of my usual spot and took long strides towards her, it was as if my whole being was craving for her presence.

"Hey Ivy," I said when I finally stood in front of her,

"Hey," she said before I hugged her, she flinched a bit before hugging me back, Lord knows how much I really wanted to inhale her scent but if I did that it would be awkward,

"It's been a while," she said as I let her go,

"busy lives, right?" I asked her as she smiled and nodded while fidgeting with her phone which reminded me I hadn't asked for her number,

I noticed Cath had disappeared leaving us both to catch up on our "busy lives",

"Oh shoot, where are my manners?" I said, earning a giggle from her, as she took a seat.

"Thanks," she said putting a lock of hair behind her ears, I couldn't help but notice how she placed me in a trance so many times, and this time wasn't an exception.

Soon she lifted up her gaze from her phone and looked at me, I guess she might have felt my staring.

"So Liam, isn't it funny how we don't have each other's contacts?" She asked me as she placed her phone on the table,

I scratched my neck a bit and let out a laugh, "I was thinking the same thing actually...but it's my fault I never asked," I said truthfully, I saw her nod realising that it was actually true,

"So let's do that, shall we?"

"Ivy Danes would you do me the honor of blessing my dear phone with your mobile number?" I said while kneeling on one knee, while holding out my phone to her, Ivy let out a hearty laugh, and that was the time Cath decided to show up, is there such a thing as perfect timing with Cath?


No there wasn't.

"Oh my Lord, mom come look at this, Liam's already proposing to Ivy" Cath yelled out to her mom, I felt flushed all of a sudden, Cath ships us hard and now she just made me picture a scene of me proposing to Ivy, and then I couldn't help but imagine her in a wedding gown walking down the aisle.

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