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That's a picture of Ivy

Dedicated to larlic

Ivy's POV

"Ivy, I heard you were sick...how you feeling right now?" Lauren asked as he came to my view, I had resumed work not so long ago, and if you wanted to know how last night went, well it was a total disaster, in two words - intense interview, let's say aunt Stacy bombarded me with a hell lot of questions and trust me I wasn't done answering, she said we'd continue tonight, Lord save me.

"Well, I've had better days," I said with a shrug,

"And better days are yet to come" he added as I wiped the area where I was leaning which was a little bit dusty,

"Ivy" he said as I shot my head up,

"Yeah, what's up" I asked as I focused on him

"I was thinking of getting you a get-well-soon present..." he said as he trailed off a bit

"Awwwn, that's really thoughtful of you" I said not knowing where this was driving at but I'd like to know

"Yeah, but since I didn't know what to get you, I decided that I could treat you out for lunch, that's if you're cool with it" he said scratching the back of his neck, now this isn't a sight you get to see often, Lauren didn't seem like someone who got nervous easily but well first impressions don't really tell you everything about a person,

"I get it, if you don't want to... I mean its fine" he said as he started to go back to his work station,

"Hey!!!... I never said no, and yeah, lunch seems fine by me" I said as he stopped mid track and turned an angle 180 to me

"Okay, so since you're still getting better I suggest the day after tomorrow, how's that sound?" He asked with a tiny glint of happiness in his eyes,

"Sure, why not?" I said as he beamed a smile,

"Cool, so Wednesday after your shift" I nodded as he went behind the racks of clothing, "see you around"

As soon as he left, Dayton came out of his office, "seems everyone is falling sick... Michael just called in sick, so Lauren and Ivy, you guys are on shift today," he said out loud since currently there were no customers at the moment, so Lauren will help the customers out in choosing outfits while I'd work the counter, what a relief, because some ladies just couldn't make up their minds on what they wanted.

Soon customers started trooping in and well business started, surprisingly time flew by much faster than I'd thought it would, not that I was complaining.

My shift ended and I stepped out of the store embracing the cool breeze, I decided to head over to Cath's , since its been a while since I went there.

I stopped a cab and soon I was on my way there, I wore my headphones and played bad guy- Billie Eilish, that was one of my fave songs,


"Hey Cath," I said as I went to the back,

"Ivy, how are you doing?" She asked as she hugged me,

"I'm great, where's your Mom?" I asked as I saw Olivia walking towards me with a dish filled with chips,

"Oh dear, I heard you were sick, how are you feeling right now?" She asked as she checked my temperature,

"I'm fine, not to worry," I said smiling at both of them,

"I think you should get a seat while I get you something to eat, you look weak and fragile," she said as she led me to a seat,

"Ivy" Cath said


"How funny is it, that I don't have your contact anymore since I got a new mobile number?"

"Oh, hand me your phone let me save my contact on it, that way I'd be able to call you whenever" I said as she gladly switched phones with me,

After saving each other's contacts, we kept chit chatting about random issues ranging from 5sos to football, and I took my leave, I was really tired and needed to rest.


Happy first day of November to y'all,how did you spend your Halloween?

short update I know but I'll try to make them longer,

What's your take on Lauren?

Hugs and chocolate chips

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