Mister teacher⚠️

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Betty is in her senior year and Jughead just starts teaching. He is six years older. They are together since 5 months. It is September

Betty Pov

It's Monday that means that I slept at Jugheads place. I wake up and step out the bed. I walk in his bathroom and go to the toilet. I hear Jughead stepping out the bed and leaving the room. I wash my hands and go to the kitchen where he is. I wrap my arms around him from behind and lay my head on his back.

"Goodmorning sunshine" he says. I let him go and take a seat at the other side of the kitchen.

"Pancake?" He asks looking up from the pan.

"Yes please" i say standing up and getting two glasses out of the cupboard. I pour them some juice in and sit back down. He gives me my pancake on my plate and I grab the maple syrup and make a nice smiley on my pancake. Jughead sits down too and starts eating them without maple syrup.

"You excited?" I ask. He nods with his mouth full. "You?" He asks a moment later.

"Yeah seeing my boyfriend teaching some younger kids and then not ripping his clothes off. It's going to be difficult." I say looking up at him. He smirks and finishes his meal. He puts his plate away and asks:" you need some lunch? For at school?"

I say:" no no that is not cool mister jones. I eat in the cafeteria"
He laughs at me and pecks my cheek. I finish my plate fast and walk to the bedroom. He is already changing and brushing his teeth. I tak off my silk robe and grab a bra and matching panties. I turn around and see him starting at me. I blush and he walks over. He hugs me tight and kisses my hair.

"You my little baby, you are gorgeous" he says while looking in my eyes. I kiss his lips fast and he heads to the bathroom. I put on some black jeans and a grey sweater. I walk in the bathroom too and start my morning skin care routine and brush my teeth.

"You need a ride to school?" He asks me while making his bag on the bed. "No they will suspect" I answer. "Okay then pffff" he says sad. I walk over to him and kiss him on his lips, fast, three times in a row.

"Don't be sad baby" I say. "It's better but it would be more better if you gave me more kisses" he says smirking. I walk away and smile at him.

"Hey I want those kisses miss cooper" he says walking to the bathroom where I am doing my make-up.

"Why're You doing your make up ? He asks me. "What do you mean?" I ask looking at him in the mirror. "You Don't need it" he says. "That is sweet" I say but still continue. He kisses my hair and then says:" see you at school cooper." He walks away grabs his bag but I follow him. Just in front of the door I got him and I hug him tight. "Hey Betts baby. We will make this work. It will be okay" he says stroking his hand over my back. I nod a few times and let him go.

Tonight I will be staying at my moms so I leave a sweet note in his bathroom, bedroom and kitchen.


Second period is over and I hate school already. I walk with Veronica and kevin through the halls to our locker. I put my books in and we walk to the next class.

"Okay students take place" the teacher says. I sit down in the back with Veronica and kevin in front of us with Cheryl. "I am mister Tergens, I will teach you english. Today you have me two hours but the second some other teacher will watch you guys because I have a meeting" he says.

We all smile, less lessons the better. Ethel raises her hand and mister Tergens points her that she can talk. "But we have nothing to do what will we do?" She asks. "Why is she being so difficult can't she just shut up" Cheryl says to me and v. We both roll our eyes and agree.

"You will have a reading test for english so we don't loose hours" he says and we all go mad.

"The First day really?!" Cheryl says loud. "Yes miss blossom" he says serious.


The next hour starts and mister Tergens just gave us a seat alone so we can't help each other. I sit totally in the back no one next to me or behind me.

And then I see the teacher walk in. "Okay kids I am mister jones and we will start the test. You can start when I give it to you." He says looking around. I see some girls talking about him and with mouth wide open. I am too, he is so hot as teacher.

"Okay quiet Now. We will start the test" he says staring to distribute them and the last one mine. He stands behind me and leans over. He says whispering in my ear:" i like this it is hot" he walks away and I push my tights together.


Jughead stands behind me wrapping his arms around me. Not above my desk but below. He plays with the band of my skirt. Slips first one finger in and then two more. He goes to the button and opens it.

"I have a test!" I whisper in his ear. "You can do it after this" he whispers in a husky voice. I lay back on his body letting my head fall over his shoulder. He slips his right hand in my skirt and goes to my panties. He doesn't go in but he let his hand lay up. He starts to make circles on my clit throug the fabric. I look at my class and get really turned on, he is taking a risk. I love it. He puts his hand away and whispers in my ear:" take your panties off. Now"I do as I was told and gave him my panties. I tried to lay back on his chest but he left. He walks to the front of the class with my black panties in his jeans pocket on his right ass cheek. He did that so everyone could see. But nobody did only Veronica ofcourse. He puts his trophy in his bag and starts walking in the class. I am still in shock.

"Miss cooper maybe start your test" he says for the class. I look down and start to write. He looks away and I button up my skirt.


Betty- Charles?

(Is not jugs brother here is from Hal and alice)

Charles- yes sister?

Betty- can you do something for me?
Charles- yes! Of course

Betty- bring me one of my panties and ...

Jughead pov

Twenty minutes later they finished the test and someone knocked on the door.

"Yeah come in" I said. A boy my age came in and said serious:" can I talk to you mister jones?"

"Yeah of course, class stay quiet and do something you want" I say a little bit scared.

I go out with the men and he takes me to a little room with a table. "so sit down mister jones." He said very serious. I sat down and looked him in the eyes. "So I am Charles smith, FBI. I got a call from a surveillance worker here at school that you touch your students. And in a sexual way." He says serious.

My throat goes dry and I do not what to do. I just watch and sit. "Please can you explain yourself" he said. I swallowed loud but then the door went open.

"Hi hi" Betty said coming in the room happy. "What are you doing here ?" I ask more concerned than confused. "Did you got what I need Charles ?" She asks smiling. He took something out his backpack. "Here little sis" he says while giving her new panties. She nods and just puts them on there.

"So this is all a trick?" I said confused.

"Yeah Juggie boy don't play with me like that because you can't win" she says coming over to me and kissing me on my lips. I was shocked but in a positive way.

What a girl I have.

"Okay stop the PDA please" Charles interupts us.


Give me ideas smut/ fluffff/ angst just say itttt


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