Just like us.⚠️

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Betty pov

"BETTYYYYYY" i hear jughead yelling from upstairs. I run to him and ask:"what jug?" He is in our daughters room, the now sixteen years old Juliet Elizabeth Jones. "See this" he says pointing at a thing in her room. I come over and he points to a paper on the ground. "What is it?" I ask. "Hon, c'mon we used it all the time, its the open package of a condom" i nod to him but he left already. "I am going to give that girl a talk when she comes home." He says. I roll my eyes and follow him downstairs.

"But don't you have to go to work today jug? It's still seven more hours before she comes home" i say rubbing circles on his back. He turns around and looks at me. "You think i can work in this state? I just found out some one deviled my little girl" he says starting to cry. "Come here" i say pulling him in a hug.

He can be tough but mostly and we, his girls, know that he is a softy. "Maybe some food will help or writing for your new book?" I ask still hugging him. He let's go and looks me with his eyes red because of the crying. I want to tell him that we were almost her age when we done it but then he would walk away and i don't want him alone in this state. "Or can you join me in a bath? If you don't have work of course" he asks. I nod and he picks me up and brings me to the bathroom.

"You know that i love you and you're the best partner to stand next to in the education of our daughter" he says stroking his hands through my hair while in the bathtub. I turn my head and kiss him full on the lips. "Back to you jug" i say. The he starts to soap me in, taking his time and taking more time on my boobs. "I think they are clean jug" i smile at him. "What do you think about having another baby?" He asks me then. His hands resting on my shoulders.

I turn around and ask:" you sure? Because we are almost forthy now?" "So yeah this is our last shot" he says serious. "I want to try but don't be upset if my body doesn't want one anymore." I say knowing the risks at my age. "Babe you and Juliet are now my first priority and if baby number two doesn't want to come than it is his fault" he says hugging me. "But trying is also fun so we don't lose a thing by it" he smirks kissing my forehead. "Okay but what if that baby would have sex? Will you react softer ?"i ask.

"Uhm if it is a boy he will not have sex because finding some as pretty as his mom or sister is not possible and if we have a girl we just never let her know that there is something like sex" he says serious. I slap his chest and kis his left cheek. "Until she is what? Thirty?" I ask looking up at him. "At least" he says smirking.

Juliet arrived home and me and jug were sitting at the table. "Hi dad hi mom" she says smiling. "Come here" jughead says serious.

She walks over to the table and her dad orders her to sit. I mouth:'sorry' to her snd she looked confused.

"Let's just start" jughead says still serious. "Okay?" Juliet asks.

"Juliet why in godsname did you let a boy defile you" he asks mad. "Omg really dad" she days rolling her eyes.

I just sit there doing listening. "Why juliet? Didn't we raise you better?" He asks mad but with little tears in his eyes.

"Dad it's not like a dead sin. You and mom did it around my age and i'm sixteen dad not your little baby anymore." She says getting mad.

"Don't talk to me like that juliet, with who was it?" he says.

"You don't need to know that" she says looking away.

"Normally a dad can meet the boy or girl before you guys have sex. I met your moms dad before i had sex with her" jug says losing the power in his voice.

Juliet looks in disgust when he said those words.

"Dad, you know him it's Derek Andrews, we are together. Now fine?" She asks.

Jughead turns to me and whispered:"That boy's dad had sex with a teacher before he even had cum." I roll my eyes And say:" do normal. Veronica and Archie will have informed him about everything sex is."

"How did you guys even find out?" she asks.

I lean back and shake my head 'no' to her but she is confused again and doesn't get it.

"I found the open package of condoms in your room" he says serious.

"You mean the condoms mom gave me last week." She says confused.

I look at jughead waiting for his answer. "You did? You knew? You?" He says looking tearful in my eyes. I stroke his cheek and say:" she is sixteen not our little baby anymore jug, we were the same. And the only thing i could make sure of was that is was save" i say serious but lovely to him.

He stands up and leaves, he takes his shoes and grabs his helm and keys. He closes the door. "What mom don't you have to get him?" Juliet asks me, both looking at the door.

I hug her and say:" no it's your dad. He will go to pops and be stubborn for a little while and eat a lot and then come back."

"You sure mom?" She asks me, looking up to me.

"Yeah Jul, he can't miss his girls." I say kissing her forehead.

"Really? You sure" she asks again.

I nod and say:" he cried when he found out you had had sex with someone. I needed to hug him and he couldn't go to work because of it. He is just not ready to let his little girl go."

"Then i will spend this night laying in bed between you two just like his little girl did" she says smiling big.

"No, because you're not the only one getting defiled in this house" i say serious.

"Ieuw mom way to ruin our moment" she says leaving our hug.

"What how do you think you came in this world?" I say following her to the kitchen.

"One evening you both were so horny you had sex in grandpa's car without protection. Sooo Romantic!" She says being annoyed.

I laughed at her and said:" and we got the most beautiful gift out of that."

She smiled at me and we waited together for Daddy to return.


I loved this hahahaha

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Didn't proofread sorry


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