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Jughead pov

(Its bughead Don't worry)

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School, the only things that fills my days next to the serpents. I hate it, I just want to stop but I can't because my dad and my girlfriend:Veronica would kill me and I want to provide for a family later so I have to.

I walk in the building, the same as last year only now no girl at my hand or under my arm. My girl is in a private school because Hiram wanted her too. She visits me every night so I still see her. I don't know yet what I like about Veronica but yeah she is my girlfriend and she helps little jug. Little jug is needy and Veronica knows.

I went to my first class and sat next to Archie. "Hi mate" he says. "Hi arch" I say sitting down. "How was summer ?" He asks. "Quiet next to Veronica her moans" I say trying to be cool. Archie laughs. "Yeah I got my own now!" He says. "What you got a girlfriend? Who?" I ask in disbelief of my best mate. "I can't say because it's not legal, she is like older" he says. I wink at him and do a thumb up. We talk the first class and catch up.

"Okay kids today you guys will choose your extra two hours, you can chose between: football, cheerleading, swimming, blue and gold, Spanish or meditation class. You can fill your name on the papers in front and next week you will have those hours on Monday just after lunch! You can all leave to your next class" the teachers says and I walk up front with Archie and Reggie.

"Jones? Football this year?" He asks laughing with me. "No boy. I will let you be the best in one thing" I say back. "I am going to do football you jughead?" Archie asks me. "I think I am going with blue and gold" I say writing my name on the paper. "Veronica will not be happy with that!" Toni days standing after me. "Yeah a writer as boyfriend" Reggie laughs. I just give them my middle finger and walk off to math class.

I walk in the halls when I see a beautiful blond girl walking with mister Royden. He is explaining the things in school, I think. She smiles at me and plays with her hair. I just feel my stomach turn and fill with love. Just likes little jug reacts too but I know how to hide that. I have experience because I am a teenage boy. I walk further and see Toni taking a ciggie. "Cheryl is not going to be happy with that" I mock her and I laugh.

One week later

"Okay guys I will now tell you what your extra two hours are and you can go to that class. I hope for you all that you got what you chose.We have in the gym for this class: Reggie mantle, Archie Andrews
And Quinten Fieren. You guys can leave. For Spanish in room a203 we have: Miss Topaz, Cheryl blossom, chuck Clayton and kevin Keller. Then for the blue and gold we have Jughead jones and Betty cooper in the B&G room. You guys can leave." The teacher math says.

I stand up and leave. I look around me because I knew not the girl I would work with. Is she one of the nerds I didn't see before ? I walk away and see her, it is the gorgeous-boner blonde. This is going to be hard. Two hours a room with her and a teacher.

"Okay jones, cooper I am mister Polak I will do no shit because I have actually a live so work on that paper and get it by the publisher every Saturday evening." An older men says while Betty and i take place at the desks in the room. He leaves and I am in shock. "Okay that was something" Betty says.

"Okay cooper let's get to know each other" I say with a smirk while I turn my chair to her. She laughs and giggles and looks at me. "Okay 20 questions shoot!" She says smirking.

"Full name ?"

"Elizabeth cooper, yours?"

"Forsythe pendleton Jones the third"

"Shit men"

I laugh.

"Okay family members?"

"4 Sister, brother and mom and dad. You?"

"3 sister and the other two. Boyfriend?"

"Woow searching desperately Juggie ?" She smirk

"Yeah you must say that Betts" I smirk

"Uhm but no. You little Evil men!"

I was thinking would I let this chance go?

"Uhm no ofcourse not. And I am not Evil or little"

"Okay let's look for a first chapter this week in the newspaper ?" She says after smirking at my last answer. "Maybe homecoming ? Or the new football and cheerleading team?" I say. "Good idea! Let's make a agenda online and a shared document" she says starting her computer. I do the same and we start typing and making jokes, but dirty jokes. I lay my hand on her nude knee when I am done and I watch her type further. She is totally stressed in her body. Typing hard and fast. I stand up an put my hand on her schoulders. I start massaging her and she relaxes. She falls back in her chair and I glide my hand to her front. I have a beautiful view of her boobs and I get hrs by looking at it. I glide my hands to her boobs and play with them. She moans soft and says:" don't stop Juggie."

After two minutes I turn her chair. She looks at me and I place my hands just under her skirt. She smirks at me and I glide my hands up. She is like searching for air. She let her head fall back and I bring my right hand in her panties. I push it at the side and kiss her left knee. She looks at me and I say:" you are beautiful betts."

She smiles at me and kisses my hand. My fingers ready to pound in to her and as she kissed me I did. She falls back and moans:" Ow Juggie moreeeeee." I start pumping faster and faster letting her know that I will make her feel as high as possible. I look at her, proud of what I am doing to that body. I start making circles on her clit with my thumb and she falls now totally apart. "Owww jug more more babe" she moans loud gripping with her little sexy hands in my raven black hair.

I don't stop and just keep going harder and faster."jugggg I'm close go awayyyyy" she moans. I don't listen, I am not leaving her she needs to feel this finish. "No babe you can do it let it go my sunshine." I say convincing her for this orgasm. "Ahhhh yesssss fuckkkk" she says letting her fluid come out of her pussy. I pull my hands away and go up to kiss her. "Nice Nice my baby" I say kissing her lips again. She laughs at me and says:" you re amazing Juggie and those hands too. "

"Just wait what my tongue can do" I say still hovering over her. She pecks my lips and then the door goes open.

"Veronica?" I almost shout. "Jones wtf cheating on me . Fucking bitch" she says. She comes over to me and I step away from Betty . She slaps me in the face hard. I put my hands on my cheek and look mad. "I don't want to see you anymore. Ever. Fuck you..... both" she says crying and she runs away. I look at Betty. She looks at me with a smirk but not the sexy kind.

"I know I am sorry I could told you but I wanted you sooo bad and breaking up would mean another day waiting" I say.

"Yeah it's alright we will see what this becomes but can I help you ? With little Juggie down there?" She asks pointing at my boner.

"Ow you made the monster awake miss cooper. " I say smirking while she undoes my belt.


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