In my class?⚠️

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Betty pov

"You know what sucks?" V asks me in a hurry. "Haha relax girl i just arrived" i say to my girl. "I have a test" she says. "I am sorry but it's school haha" i say. "Yeah but the test is from your boyfriend" she whispers. I look around because nobody can know. "Ssttt and you know i can't do a thing about that" i whisper back. "Pffff i hate this" she says and we start walking to our first classes.

"Bye bye" i say to veronica and leave to my class. I have literature from mister Jones.

I walk in swaying my hips more than before. I walk to the back of the class and take my place next to Kevin. "Hi bettyboop" he says. "What gave you this good mood" i ask him. "Betty c'mon we all know i just am good mood" he says. I wink at him and say:" savageeeee." But why did i do that because now we all know what is coming.

"I'm a savage, classy, bougie, ratchet" he starts singing but luckily Jughead starts class before he continues. "Okay class let's take our books on page 138" he says.

He looks gorgeous as always. I'm getting wet, i miss him between my legs. "So we will start with reading from page 138 to 147 and after that you guys make the exercise that i have in my hand. That will take the whole hour so rush you slowly. Next week we will make a test about this text" he says. The whole class starts to talk because nobody wants a test.

"Okay guys start or you will make it at home" he says serious. He steps to his desk and starts doing things on his computer.

I work on my exercise for ten minutes but i gave up.and i get a text.

JJ- you okay? You don't understand the exercise? X

BC-i just don't want to make it x

JJ-can't do a thing about that x

I want to send "you can" but i don't want to drive him mad. This teacher student thing is already a big weight on our relationship.

I come up with an idea to help my ache and stop getting bored. I lay my skirt a little higher so in front you can have a good view. I start making circles on my clit through my underwear. I watch Jughead who is still working on his computer. I push my underwear aside push my finger in.

I'm thight these days because it had been to long since is had sex. I almost moan but suceed in holding it in. Jughead looks at me and them his eyes go down. I smirk and move my finger in and out my wet pink pussy. He looks in my eyes and looks around in the class. Nobody can see this this would ruin everything. But he can't stop watching. He looks back and almost starts drooling. I go faster and faster and with my other hand i hold my body up. Because i am almost going weak.

I am wet, not yet dripping but that is the goal. I go faster and try to hit my clit with my thumb. My eyes close because the excitement is building up. I go faster one more time. My arms are getting sore. I can see that jugheads right hand disappears under the desk.

I close my lips really hard to not let a moan escape. I hit my release and feel my juices dripping to the floor. I smirk and jughead does too. I fix my underwear and just in time the bell goes ."okay class next class test" he says. Everybody leaves except me. "Uhm betty cam you stay a minute" he says when there are only three students left. "Okay mister jones." Everybody leaves and i walk up to him.

"You are bad" he says smirking. "Oh i miss you too" i say smiling. He start smirking and kisses my right hand. "I have no class to teach this hour. Want to go to my car?" He asks smirking. I nod heavy and he says :

" see you in ten princess"

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