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Jonah saw Corbyn with a blonde hair, blue eyed boy at school. They walked in laughing and smiling. Jonah was hurt and he felt betrayed.

But most importantly, Jonah didn't know what he did wrong. He felt like he was the best best friend anyone could have. He stayed by Corbyn's side no matter what. Jonah was always there for Corbyn. He couldn't wrap around his head and think about anything that would have made Corbyn this mad at him.

"I'm coming over today," Jonah heard Corbyn say to the blonde boy.

Jonah's heart broke. Today was Friday. It was a traditional for Corbyn to come over to Jonah's house. They had a sleepover, had a movie marathon with tons of snacks. Even when boys were in fights, they never broke that tradition. When they were mad at one another, they would simply both sit on Jonah's bet with a movie playing as both boys pouted. It usually ended with them laughing and making up. But then sometimes, when they were mad at one another, it was because someone had hurt the other without realizing it. So they would either sit and talk about their feelings. Or they would go to their spot and talk things out. They would usually end up going to their spot because it made them feel more safer.

The day came to a close and Jonah dragged his feet out of school. He didn't feel like taking the bus. He would rather walk to clear his head a bit.

As he walked home, tears slowly began to flow down his cheeks. He missed his best friend. He missed their cuddles, their nights together, their friendship, their closeness, and most importantly, he missed the faux blonde. None of his popular friends could ever compare to Corbyn.

Ten minutes away from his house, it began to pour. Jonah began to sob louder. No one would hear him. He felt replaced by the blonde boy already.

He walked up the driveway to his house with his head down. He wiped some tears that were on his cheeks. The pouring rain came to a light rain by the time he had made it home. Just his luck of course.

"I've been waiting," a voice said from his door causing him to snap his head up.

"Corbyn," he said shocked.

"You didn't think I forgot about our tradition did you?" Corbyn asked him with his eyebrow raised. His hair all wet as it laid gently over his forehead.

"I think you replaced me," Jonah mumbled under his breath.

"Jonah, I didn't replace you," Corbyn said softly, hearing Jonah.

"Seems like it," Jonah muttered as he made his way into the house and to his room after unlocking the door with his key.

"Jonah," sighed Corbyn.

"I didn't," Corbyn added in again.

"Well it fucking seems like it Corbyn!" Jonah yelled as he turned around and looked at Corbyn. Catching Corbyn off guard. Jonah never yelled at him.

"I-," Corbyn paused.

"I thought we were best friends Corbyn. What happened?" Jonah asked as his voice cracked causing Corbyn to frown.

"I didn't meant to make you feel like that Jobear," Corbyn whispered, tears threaten to come out.

"I just," Corbyn took a deep breath.

"I have a secret. And I can't tell you," Corbyn admitted.

"Why not?" Jonah asked.

"You're gonna hate me," Corbyn said.

"I could never hate you corbeaer," Jonah whispered softly this time.

"I'm in love with you jonah," Corbyn admitted after a long pause of silence.

Lmao we jumped right to it! This a short book!



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Hi I just wanna say soemthing that's been on my mind.

The Avery family is dead ass cancelled for what they did to Gabbie. Like that is no way to treat her. They took Lav away from her so jack could spend Christmas with lav. And I get it. He should but so should Gabbie! Gabbie spent her Christmas all by herself! She had to fly to Cali to drop off Lav and couldn't go home to Florida to her family! Like wtf! My heart broke for her truly. No mother or father should not be there for their child's first Christmas!

And some of y'all be saying that jack had every right to. He brings in the money! BITCH STFU! Gabbie does paid Ads. She brings in some money! She takes care of THEIR child as jack is living his dream. Gabbie had to put her dreams on HOLD so Lav could have a good life and for jack to continue living his dream. And do this to her, the Avery family dead ass fucked up. I promise u Gabbie will never forget this. She is hurting. And she probably feels so guilty. And now if they wanted to fix things, idk if they could bc of what the Avery family did. Jack is the one who fucked up anyways. I didn't see Gabbie cheating 👀 and that's the tea

Also I'm updating this at work! I snuck off LMAO 😂💀

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