𝐵𝑦𝑒 𝑏𝑦𝑒 𝑗𝑜𝑛𝑎ℎ, 𝑏𝑦𝑒 𝑏𝑦𝑒 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑙𝑑

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Corbyn stood in front of Jonah's locker. The letter in his hand. He was gonna do it. He couldn't hold on any longer. It was his time. So with a shaky breath, Corbyn opened Jonah's locker. They had swapped combinations a few months prior. It was each other's birthday. Corbyn's locker combination was Jonah's birthday and Jonah's locker combination was Corbyn's birthday.

Corbyn smiled at the fact that Jonah never changed it. Corbyn didn't either. He didn't have the heart to.

With a shaky hand, he put the letter in Jonah's locker. He wanted to explain to Jonah what had happened. It wasn't that he wanted to guilt Jonah, he just wanted to give Jonah an explanation.

Once the letter was in there, Corbyn closed they locker door and began his way out of the school. He walked to the play ground that Jonah and Corbyn met at. It was one of their special places. The place where it all started. That park held a special place in each of the boys' hearts. He smiled at the playground as tears brimmed his eyes. The memory of Jonah helping him up after he fell on the playground as Corbyn ran. There's how they met. Jonah helped Corbyn up after Corbyn fell.

Corbyn shook his head and wiped his tears that had fallen down his cheeks. He walked towards the cliff that was around a block away from the playground. Water below the cliff. Jonah used to take Corbyn here. It was their place to talk, vent, rant, and just talk about their problems to one another here. It began to hold a special place after things began going wrong in their lives. And to reconnect, they would meet up here.

He felt the happiest here with Jonah. Where they would spend hours talking, goofing around, crying if they needed to, punch the ground if needed to, literally anything. And they would leave feeling so much better.

Corbyn stood on the edge. It was dark now considering the day light saving time. He had told his mother that he was spending time with Jonah. She didn't question it due to her happy they were talking again. Plus it was Friday.

Corbyn looked up at the sky with tears in his eyes. It was time. He was done feeling alone, confused, and not worthy.

So with a deep breath, Corbyn leaned all the way over and his body began to fall. Everything felt free. Corbyn felt free. He smiled as he said the last words he would ever say on Earth.

"Bye bye, Jonah, bye bye world"



And follow me

Hi beautiful people! Happy new year my loves! 2019 has definitely been my worst year and the most challenging one in my life. I am glad it's over. I really hope 2020 is an amazing year, I really need it. In 2019, I had gone MIA to many times and that's with everything going on in my personal life. It's definitely been a hard one. I have three things planned for 2020 and it's the only things keeping me going so I pray that they go according to plan. One of the things that helped me survive 2019 was you guys. The amount of support you guys have given me on all my books and continue to read my shitty ass books surprise me everyday. Thank you from bottom of my heart. It means way more than you guys will ever know. And thank you for reading the stuff where I express myself. Writing is so important in my life due to the fact that I can express myself the best way I can. It's my own stress reliever. Thank you for supporting me and putting up with me. Two other things were my family and friends. Especially my friends. I am finally happy with the people in my circle. It took me so long but now that I have it, I wouldnt trade a thing. I have definitely learned a lot this year. And now without a further a do, 2020, I'm excited for you! I pray you will do me good. And join me on another year as I join you guys :) I love you all very much!


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