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Jonah appeared back at school for the first time in two weeks. He hadn't stepped foot since the news of Corbyn. Everyone knew by now.

He walked to his locker, ignoring all the stares and whispers. His hood was over his head.

He put the combination into his locker, his eyes watering because it was still Corbyn's birthday. As he opened it, a letter fell out. He bent down and picked it up.

To Jonah, was written at the top.

He slowly unfolded and began to read it.

"Dear Jonah,

It's Corbyn, if you're seeing this, it's because I'm gone. I want you to know that it wasn't your fault. I felt unworthy, lost, confused, and alone in this world.

It hurts to know I'm leaving you. We had so many plans for our future. I didn't want to do this but I had to. I felt trapped in a cage. With no way out.

I'll be watching over you. Please take care of my parents and siblings for me. They mean the world to me. And please take care of yourself. Don't go down my road. It's not a pretty one.

Thank you for being my best friend. Those 17 years were a blessing. And even though you might not have considered me your best friend towards the end of my life, I considered you mine. You stuck by your promise.

"We'll be best friends till the very end".

I'm sorry I couldn't complete mine. I let you down. I'm sorry I'm such a fuck up. I'll make it up to you in the afterlife. I promise. Wait, I can't say that. I broke my last promise. I'll make it up to you somehow.

I love you, hold on tight for me. Keep the blue bear in my room. It has a space ring on it for you. It's symbol for you to remember that I'm always here for you.

Take care of yourself Jonah, I'll see you soon Jobear. I love you

Corbyn Matthew Besson

Once Jonah read the letter, tears were falling own his cheeks like a lake. He couldn't stay in school. Not today. Not after this note. He glanced at Corbyn's locker that had been painted Corbyn's favorite color in order to honor him.

With tears falling down his cheeks, Jonah took off running. He couldn't stand in the same place where he and Corbyn talked and hugged for the last time.

The three words, the 8 letters, Corbyn said in his final words,

"I love you"

Haunted Jonah.

We got one last chapter 🙃 are we ready?



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